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The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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s cordial support. They do not compromise the interest or honor of Virginia Surely, in an hour like this, it becomes every patriot and every Christian, before he commits his country to the horrors of civil war, to exhaust all honor able means for preventing it. There was everything to gain and nothing to lose by the adoption of the resolutions. As brave and magnanimous men — let us endeavor to avoid strife, by all honorable means. His continents, though ready for war, desired peace. Mr. D. Appealed to the Senate to adopt the resolutions unanimously. Mr. Paxton reiterated his objections to the resolutions. Mr. Coghill said that no possible good could result from the adoption of the resolutions. The Southern States may be lulled into a false security. Let us take time for reflection and deliberation. Mr. Wickham remarked, that it seemed as if certain Senators were only willing for delay when propositions were introduced for peace. He argued in favor of prompt actio