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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
ries, occupies the position in which he rendered such valuable service the day before, from the Weikert house on the left to the depression which separates the base of Little Round Top from that of Cemetery Hill. This depression, which affords no good positions, separates him from the four batteries of the Second corps, placed by Major Hazzard in the rear of the infantry along the rocky line which gradually trends northward; one of them is placed half-way on the left; the other three, under Arnold, Cushing, and Brown, are located on the high ridge. Woodruff's regular battery occupies Ziegler's Grove. Finally, to the right of the front exposed to the enemy's fire a regular battery, and eight others belonging to the First and Eleventh corps, form under Major Osborne an irregular line turning north-westward and northward. The Union artillery is thus divided into three groups: McGilvery on the left, with forty-four pieces, along the prolongation of the slopes of Little Round Top; Hazza