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oc. 13.-siege of Port Hudson. attack of June 14, 1863. Major-General Augur's headquarters, before Port Hudson, Monday, June 15, 1863. It was as late as ten P. M., of Saturday, June thirteenth, that General Augur, who had just returned from the headquarters of General Banks, e--whose doings I have just recorded. Colonel Dudley's brigade, of Augur's division, was held in reserve. The forces under General Weitze had been most immediately under my own observation, (I mean Major-General Augur's,) on both those occasions, came squarely up to the orders under the general plan of attack, as directed by General Banks, Generals Augur and Dwight were to make feints on the extreme left of General G became general between General Grover's command and the enemy, Generals Augur and Dwight had attacked the enemy, as before indicated, on Genes. loss in killed and wounded will probably exceed two hundred. General Augur's loss will fall considerably short of that number. Under Gene
uld be useless. Some — where about midnight of the seventh, a Lieutenant of Holcomb's battery came to the tent of Major-General Augur's Assistant Adjutant-General, and said that the enemy were sounding a bugle, which foreboded he knew not what. Shing moon, from General Banks's headquarters; and I heard the voice of Colonel Irwin eagerly inquiring for the tent of General Augur--the whole camp being in calm repose. The few who were awake wondered, of course, what all this could mean; and whatng. When the ceremonies of a formal surrender were over, he came, in company with General Stone, to make a call on General Augur, on his way to the headquarters of General Banks. He and his staff seemed to be quite at home, and nobody, in lookin, as General Banks and staff, with a full escort, accompanied by General Gardner and some of his officers, came up to General Augur's headquarters — whispered in my ear the following grave contrast: When I, an officer of the United States army
ails of the siege which will not fail to prove interesting to our readers. The initiatory steps of the siege may be reckoned from the twentieth of May, when General Augur advanced from Baton Rouge. His approach being reported by our cavalry, on the twenty-first, General Gardner sent out Colonel Miles, with four hundred cavalry a flag to Banks, requesting that he would remove them. Banks replied that he had no dead there. General Gardner then directed General Beale to send a flag to General Augur, and request him to bury the dead of his division, which lay in front of the First and Forty-ninth. Augur replied that he did not think he had any dead there,Augur replied that he did not think he had any dead there, but he would grant a cessation of hostilities to ascertain. Accordingly parties were detailed to pass the dead bodies over to the Yankees, and two hundred and sixty odd were removed from this portion of the works, and with them one wounded man, who had been lying there three days without water, and was fly-blown from head to foot
a number of prisoners. Having destroyed the camp, consisting of about one hundred and fifty tents, a large quantity of ammunition, guns, public and private stores, books, papers, and public documents, I immediately took the road from Baton Rouge. Arriving at the Commite River, we utterly surprised Stuart's cavalry, who were picketing at this point, capturing forty of them, with their horses, arms, and entire camp. Fording the river, we halted to feed within four miles of the town. Major-General Augur, in command at Baton Rouge, having now, for the first, heard of our approach, sent two companies of cavalry, under Captain Godfrey, to meet us. We marched into the town about three o'clock P. M., and were most heartily welcomed by the United States forces at this point. Before our arrival in Louisville, company B, of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under Captain Forbes, was detached to proceed to Macon, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, if possible to take the town, destroy the railro