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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 34 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 30 0 Browse Search
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rtillery, the whole under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Averill, of this regiment. The brigade leftprevented their turning our left. Lieutenant-Colonel Averill was directed by me to advance three . Having turned the command over to Lieutenant-Colonel Averill, with instructions to draw in his meanced steadily, driving the Indians; Lieutenant-Colonel Averill, with marked coolness and judgment, ing upon the north side of the lake, Lieutenant-Colonel Averill commenced deploying the right wing, oldly forward and worked splendidly, Lieutenant-Colonel Averill displaying much judgment in an obliqren, while the five other companies under Colonel Averill were held as reserve. Captain Jones accodren drowned in their hasty flight. Lieutenant-Colonel Averill with the reserve, received the fire was ordered. Just prior to the fire of Colonel Averill's reserve, Lieutenant F. J. H. Beever, ane fearlessly rendered in the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Averill and Major McLaren have proven themse[1 more...]
Doc. 157.-battle at White Sulphur Springs, Virginia. Report of General Averill. Huttonsville, Va., Aug. 30, 1863. General: I have the honor to report the safe return of my command to this place, after an expedition through the countiesmp, Lieutenant J. R. Meigs, who accompanied me, is safe. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. W. Averill, Brigadier-General. Wheeling Intelligencer account. August 26, 1863. Expect to visit the White Sulphur Virginia, on the right. Our artillery, well drilled and of good pluck, held a favorable position on the main road. General Averill remained near the batteries during the battle, directing the movement of the troops. Thus formed, the Federal soldinel Geo. S. Patten commanding. The enemy were about three thousand strong, with six pieces of artillery, under Brigadier-General Averill. Our loss is about two hundred killed and wounded. The enemy's loss is not known. We have taken about one hun
November 8, 1863. To Governor Boreman: General Averill attacked General Jackson's forces at Millened by breastworks commanding the road. General Averill turned the enemy's left with his infantryed. B. F. Kelley, Brigadier-General. General Averill's despatch. near Falling Springs, Wellent spirits, with plenty of ammunition. Wm. W. Averill, Brigadier-General. A national accoun-Virginia, November 20. The brigade of General Averill left their camp at Beverly, at noon, on S, or bring on an engagement that day; for General Averill expected to form a junction with the force Twenty-second, hold it against the whole of Averill's brigade; but, poor fellow, he was wofully mSprings; we have created a wholesome dread of Averill and his Yankees, and caused the country to rejoice over our brilliant success. General Averill has proved himself to be an earnest, energeticnsisting of about four thousand cavalry under Averill, and three thousand infantry under Kelley. T
nia Railroad, capturing two pieces of artillery, seven hundred muskets, and one hundred and twenty-five prisoners. Our loss was seventeen killed and sixty-one wounded; the enemy's killed and wounded reported to be seventy-five. In August, General Averill attacked a rebel force under General Sam Jones, at Rocky Gap, in Green Brier County, capturing one gun, one hundred and fifty prisoners, and killing and wounding some two hundred. Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was one hundred and thirty. On the eleventh of September, Imboden attacked a small force of our troops at Morefield, wounding fifteen and capturing about one hundred and fifty. On the fifth of November, General Averill attacked and defeated the enemy near Lewisburgh, capturing three pieces, over one hundred prisoners, and a large number of small arms, wagons, and camp equipage. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded estimated at three hundred. Department of Virginia and North-Carolina. Our force in Nort
and four officers and ninety men missing. We captured about two hundred prisoners, but have retained but forty officers and eighty men, on account of their inability to walk; we took also about one hundred and fifty horses. My horses have subsisted entirely upon a very poor country, and the officers and men have suffered cold, hunger, and fatigue with remarkable fortitude. My command has marched, climbed, slid, and swam three hundred and fifty-five miles since the eighth instant. W. W. Averill, Brigadier-General. A national account. Webster, West-Virginia, January 3. The Second, Third, and Eighth Virginia mounted infantry, Fourteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, Gibson's battalion and battery G, First Virginia artillery, composing the Mountain brigade of General Averill, left New-Creek, West-Virginia, on the morning of the eighth of December, and a march of two days brought us to Petersburgh. On the morning of the tenth, resumed the march, after being joined by detachmen
Doc. 41.-raid in Hardy County, Virginia. Richmond Enquirer account. camp near Newmarket, January 9, 1864. we have just returned from a ten days raid behind the enemy's lines. Our force consisted of a portion of Fitz Lee's cavalry division, under General Chambliss, and Rosser's brigade, under General Rosser--all under the command of Fitz Lee. Fitz Lee's division had already been reduced by his pertinacious but ineffectual efforts to capture Averill, to but a moiety of his proper number; while Rosser's brigade had just achieved a successful tour around Meade's army, and, as a matter of course, was greatly diminished. We started with about one thousand one hundred men in all. It was raining when we started, and soon commenced snowing. Many consoled themselves for such an inauspicious beginning with the old adage that a bad beginning makes a good end. We hoped against hope, and kept up light hearts, though at every step the weather and the roads got worse. As we ente
etersburgh was again threatened, General Kelly ordered movements to be made in the most expeditious manner from Harper's Ferry and Martinsburgh. Of Sullivan's troops, a force was sent to Winchester, under the command of Colonel Fitzsimmons. Of Averill's command, (and I must take occasion to mention at this point that another unfortunate thing for us, added to the absence of the furloughed regiments, was that General Averill had just gone home on a thirty days leave of absence, thus depriving General Averill had just gone home on a thirty days leave of absence, thus depriving us of his active services,) another column, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomnpson, moved from Martinsburgh to Winchester, and there made a junction with Fitzsimmons. These united columns then moved across the country toward Romney, going by way of Wardensville. Their march was a rough and rapid one, and, although conducted in the best possible manner, failed by several hours to communicate with or get in supporting distance of Colonel Mulligan. While Fitzsimmons's and Thompson's tr
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 120.-operations in Western Virginia. (search)
n Western Virginia. Charlestown, Va., Jan. 8, 1864. At an early hour on the morning of the sixth instant, Colonel Boyd, commanding the cavalry brigade at Charlestown, started with his entire command and a section of artillery, for the purpose of reconnoitring the enemy's force and position. For some days past considerable excitement had prevailed relative to the intentions of Imboden and Early, and an attack upon Martinsburgh was considered imminent, until the timely arrival of General Averill restored confidence in our ability to resist and repel the enemy, in case such attack were made. In the mean time, however, Imboden had remained stationary in the vicinity of Winchester, and it was considered advisable to feel his actual strength and force him to fall back to his old quarters. He seemed to have anticipated this plan of ours, for when our cavalry reached Winchester, he made a retrograde movement in the direction of Strasburgh. Accordingly, our force marched as far as