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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
Capt. Parker sent Lieut. Peck this morning with a letter to father and seven great boxes full of papers and instruments belonging to the department, which he requested father to take care of. Father had them stored in the cellar, the only place where he could find a vacant spot, and so now, about all that is left of the Confederate Navy is here in our house, and we laugh and tell father, that he, the staunchest Union man in Georgia, is head of the Confederate Navy. April 28, Friday Dr. Aylett, one of the lecturers at Bellevue Hospital when Henry was a student there, took breakfast with us. He is stone blind, and making his way to Selma, Ala., attended only by a negro boy. If'the negro should desert, he would be in a forlorn plight, though he does seem to have a wonderful faculty for taking care of himself. I have heard Henry say he used to find his way about in New York City, with no guide but his stick, as readily as if he had had eyes. I was busy all the morning helping
tral railroad at Trevillian Station, destroy it toward Louisa Court House, march past Gordonsville, strike the railroad again at Cobham's Station, and destroy it thence to Charlottesville as we proceeded west. The success of the last part of this programme would of course depend on the location of General Hunter when I should arrive in the region where it would be practicable for us to communicate with each other. From my camp at New Castle ferry we crossed the Pamunkey, marched between Aylett's and Dunkirk on the Mattapony River, and on the 8th of June encamped at Polecat Station. The next day we resumed the march along the North Anna-our advance guard skirmishing with a few mounted men of the enemy, who proved to be irregulars-and bivouacked on Northeast Creek, near Young's Mills. This day I learned from some of these irregulars whom we made prisoners that Breckenridge's division of infantry, en route to the Shenandoah Valley by way of Gordonsville, was passing slowly up the r
ldier, who has fought the good fight. Patton, Otey, and Terry, who, but a moment since, stood at their respective regiments, are wounded. The brave Hunton, hero of Leesburgh, most worthy successor of the noble Garnett, Stewart, and Gant, lies wounded. Carrington, his gallant regiment shattered, stands firmly, flaunting defiantly his colors in the very face of the enemy. Allen and Ellis killed. Hodges, too, has fallen, and the modest, chivalrous Edmunds lies numbered with the noble dead; Aylett wounded, and Magruder has gone down in the shock of battle. The fight goes on — but few are left; and the shrinking columns of the enemy gain confidence from the heavy reenforcements advanced to their support. They, too, are moving in large force on the right flank. This division, small at first, with ranks now torn and shattered, most of its officers killed or wounded, no valor able to rescue victory from such a grasp, annihilation or capture inevitable, slowly, reluctantly fell back. I
arrived at two A. M. of the fifth. Here the troops were landed and marched to Aylett's, where the objects of the expedition were successfully accomplished, and the . M. The troops were landed with all expedition, and reached their destination (Aylett's) at eight A. M. At that place they found the information they had previously ation of the fact that Longstreet's corps was at or near Newton, ten miles from Aylett's, and Pickett's division at the White House, twelve miles from where we landedo'clock in the morning. About half-past 4, the troops were put in motion for Aylett's warehouse, about ten miles from the point of landing, and forty-five miles frrtain property before the enemy could bring his larger forces against us. At Aylett's the iron foundery, machine-shops, cotton-mills, lumber-yard, and four governmarge quantities of corn and grain, were burned; also a large mill, owned by Colonel Aylett, of the rebel army, with six thousand bushels of grain. The Colonel made h
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
ness could only insure retaliation on the first favorable opportunity. On the morning of June 4th, an expedition of 400 soldiers embarked at Yorktown on board the United States steamers Commodore Morris (Lieutenant-Commander Gillis), Commodore Jones (Lieutenant-Commander Mitchell), the army gun-boat Smith Briggs and the transport Winnissimmet. These vessels proceeded to Walkertown, about twenty miles above West Point, on the Mattapony River. Here the troops were landed and marched to Aylett's, where the object of the expedition was successfully accomplished: a large foundry, with all its machinery, grist mills, and a quantity of grain were destroyed, and a number of horses captured. The affair was carried through without any accident, the gun-boats keeping the river open, though several attempts were made by the enemy to annoy them at different points. This expedition was fitted out (as appears from a general order of General Keyes) with the purpose of striking an effective
stitution, 250; 252; 253; his Inaugural, extract from, 264; attends the Ostend meeting, etc., 273; condemns the arrest of William Walker, 276; is visited by Albert G. Brown, 277-8; offers a reward for the capture of John Brown, 286; 338; his Message in the S. C. Convention, 845; his last Annual Message, 367 to 371; 408; sends Cushing to Charleston, 409; 411; 414; 428; vote cast for him in Kentucky, 492; letter to Jeff. Davis, 511. Buckingham, Gov., of Conn., is reflected, 326. Buckner, Aylett, of Ky., 194. Buckner, Gen. Simon B., organizes State Guard; Louisville Journal curses him, 494; 496; 509; 609. Buffalo, N. Y., the Free-Soil Convention at, 191; its Platform, 192. Buford, Col., of Ala., his arrival in Kansas, 243; besieges Lawrence, 243. Bull Run, battle of, 539 to 547; our army moves on Centerville, 539; map of the field, 540; our feint disregarded, 541; Beauregard's report, extracts from, 541 to 546; account of The Richmond Dispatch, 542-3; other accounts, dis
ual to the task, and contented himself with burning two or three turnpike bridges; falling back upon Stoneman. Col. Judson Kilpatrick was sent, with the Harris Light, to cut the railroads leading northwarda from Richmond still nearer that city, and struck May 4. the Fredericksburg road at Hungary, cut it, pressing thence to the Virginia Central road, near Meadow Bridge, doing there a little mischief; and thence pushing north-eastward across the Pamunkey near Hanover, and the Mattapony at Aylett's, to King and Queen Court House, and thence south-eastwardly to our lines May 47 at Gloucester Point, on York river. Lt.-Col. B. F. Davis, 12th Illinois, had meantime passed May 3. down the South Anna to Ashland, where he tore up some rails and captured a train of sick, whom he paroled, and crossed thence to Hanover Station on the Central, which was fractured, and considerable Confederate property destroyed. Davis then pushed down to within seven miles of Richmond, where he bivouacke
n our right, again held by Burnside, but without success. And now an armistice of two hours was arranged, during which the wounded lying between the armies were removed and the dead buried. Next day, June 7. our left was extended to the Chickahominy, finding the enemy in force opposite Sumner's and Bottom's bridges; while Sheridan was dispatched with two divisions of cavalry around Lee's left, to tear up the Virginia Central railroad in his rear, which he did: crossing the Pamunkey at Aylett's, breaking the Fredericksburg road at Chesterfield station, and thence pushing over the North Anna by Chilesburg and Mount Pleasant, over the upper branches of the North Anna, June 10. striking the Central railroad at Trevilian's, routing a body of Rebel horse, under Wade Hampton, that interfered with his operations, and breaking up the road nearly down June 12. to Louisa C. H.; but, soon finding the Rebels too numerous and pressing, he retraced his steps to Trevilian's, where he had
th the greater portion of his own company, had been watching the movements of the enemy all day on Wednesday, in King William, and ascertained that night that Dahlgren, with about two hundred of his deluded followers, had crossed the Mattapony at Aylett's. With his own men he crossed over and followed the retreating raiders. On reaching the forks of the road, a few miles above Walkertown, Lieutenant Pollard learned that the enemy had taken the river road, leading to that place. Leaving a few mt exaggerated accounts were soon circulated throughout the country, increasing as they spread, until the miserable fugitives from the Richmond defences were magnified into a full brigade. From the ferry they proceeded by the most direct route to Aylett's, on the Mattapony, watched closely at every step by scouts detached from Lieutenant James Pollard's company of Lee's Rangers, now on picket-duty and recruiting services in King William, the residence of most of its members. The ferry-boat havi
rtification; passed down to the left to the Meadow Bridge, on the Chickahominy, which I burned; ran a train of cars into the river; retired to Hanovertown, on the Peninsula; crossed and destroyed the ferry just in time to check the advance of a pursuing cavalry force; burned a train of thirty wagons, loaded with bacon; captured thirteen prisoners, and encamped for the night five miles from the river. I resumed my march at one A. M. of the fifth; surprised a force of three hundred cavalry at Aylett's, captured two officers and thirty-three men; burned fifty-six wagons and the depot, containing upward of twenty thousand barrels of corn and wheat, quantities of clothing and commissary stores, and safely crossed the Mattapony and destroyed the ferry again, just in time to escape the advance of the rebel cavalry pursuit. Late in the evening I destroyed a third wagon-train and depot, a few miles above and west of Tappahannock, on the Rappahannock, and from that point made a forced march of