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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.76 (search)
worthily commanded, under the orders of our first lieutenant, by Captain Harris. Our officers were Lieutenants Stevens, Grimball, Gift, Barbot, Wharton, and Read, all of the old service, and Chief Engineer City, Acting Masters Milliken and Nicholls, of the Volunteer Navy, and Building the Arkansas. Midshipmen Scales, Dabney M. Scales was from the Naval Academy at Annapolis; he distinguished himself afterward in the Shenandoah, and is now a prominent lawyer of Memphis.--I. N. B. R. H. Bacot, Tyler, and H. Cenas. The only trouble they ever gave me was to keep them from running the Arkansas into the Union fleet before we were ready for battle. On the 12th of July we sent our mechanics ashore, took our Missourians on board, and dropped below Satartia Bar, within five hours of the Mississippi. I now gave the executive officer a day to organize and exercise his men. The idea exists that we made a run, or a raid, or in some way an attack by surprise upon the Union fleet. I
. Mills,John Grimball, Wm. C. Whittle,W. B. Hall, Wm. A. Kerr,S. W. Averill. J. E. Meyerre,  Acting Midshipmen. A. M. Mason,Geo. R. Bryan, Wm. E. Pinkney,A. T. Brady, R. C. Fant,D. Talbott, D. H. Daugherty,E. H. Edwards, Thos. L. Moore,D. H. Dyke, F. M. Robey,J. T. Mahan, H. B. Littlepage,Va. Newton, H. H. MarmadukeW. F. Clayton, R. S. Flag,T. Boughman, R. A. Camm,H. St. G. T. Brooke, F. T. Chew,Wm. Carroll, John T. Walker,Barron Carter, J. A. Merriwether,J. M. Gardner, R. H. Bacot,Thos. S. Garrett, H. C. Holt,W. D. Goode, W. C. Hutter,D. G. McClintoc, Wm. P. Mason,W. R. Mays, I. C. Holcome,C. Meyer, D. M. Scales,J. M. Morgan, E. J. McDermott,R. J. Moses, Jr., D. A. Telfair,J. A. Peters, W. C. Jackson,Jeff. Phelps, W. W. Read,C. T. Sevier, Daniel Carroll,G. W. Sparks, A. S. Worth,J. M. Stafford, A. P. Bierne,H. L. Vaughn, S. S. Gregory,L. H. Washington, Daniel Trigg,C. K. Mallory, Jr., John R. Price,J. B. Ratcliffe, H. S. Cooke,J. W. Pegram, J. C. L
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The story of the Arkansas. (search)
lla— in the ship, and a superb crew, and his gun seemed to be continually going out and recoiling in again. The broadside guns thus far were not engaged; but they were not to remain entirely idle. The mustang, summoning courage, shot up as though he would poke us gently in our starboard ribs. Captain Brown divined his intent, and gave notice in time. The starboard battery was trained sharp forward, and as the Queen ranged up, Scales gave her the first shell, followed quick by Wharton and Bacot. This settled the account on that side. The Lieutenant-Colonel had business down the river, and straightway went to attend to it; that is to say, to quote Gwin, he fled ingloriously. This left us with the Tyler, now getting pretty sick, and the Carondelet to deal with. It was, I think, somewhere about this stage of the fight that a bolt entered the pilot-house and mortally wounded John Hodges, Mississippi pilot, and disabled Mr. Shacklett, Yazoo river pilot, and broke the forward rim o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Building and Commissioning of the Arkansas. (search)
rown, commanding; First Lieut. Henry K. Stevens, executive officer; Lieuts. John Grimball, A. D. Wharton, G. W. Read, Alphonse Barbot, George W. Gift; Surgeon H. W. M. Washington; Assistant Surgeon Charles M. Morfit; Assistant Paymaster Richard Taylor; First Assistant Engineer George W. City; Second Assistant Engineer E. Covert; Third Assistant Engineers William H. Jackson, E. H. Brown, James T. Donald, John S. Dupuy, James S. Gettis; Acting Masters Samuel Milliken, John L. Phillips; Midshipmen R. H. Bacot, D. M. Scales, H. S. Cooke, C. W. Tyler, D. B. Talbott; Master's Mate John A. Wilson; Paymaster's Clerk, Wilson; Gunner T. B. Travers; Pilots John Hodges, James Brady, William Gilmore, J. H. Shacklett,——Montgomery. Her crew consisted of 200 seamen, landsmen, firemen, soldiers and boys. She mounted 10 guns, viz, two 8-inch columbiads forward, two 6-inch astern and two 9-inch, two 6-inch and two 32-pounder guns in broadside. She was 165 feet in length, with 35 feet of beam, and drew
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The first action of the Arkansas. (search)
ers Commander Brown and Pilot Shacklett; Midshipman Tyler, acting aid, was also shot in the forearm. Throughout the engagement of this day Commander Brown occupied a position on the wheel platform, (with his pilots,) situated forward on the gun deck, from whence he directed the movements of the vessel. Lieuts. Grimball and Gift commanded the two bow guns, and Lieut. Read the two stern 6-inch rifles, whilst the broadside guns were in charge, respectively, of Lieuts. Wharton and Barbot, Midshipmen Bacot, Scales and Talbott and Master's Mate Wilson. Two of the enemy, consisting of the wooden gunboat Tyler and iron-clad ram Queen of the West, wore round and steamed down for the main fleet below, fighting their stern guns as they retreated. The third the iron-clad Carondelet, fought her bow guns until the Arkansas approached her at close quarters, when she also turned to follow her consorts. The Arkansas ranged up alongside her and, pouring a broadside into her with her port guns, comp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The end of the Arkansas. (search)
her guns could not be brought to bear upon the Federal fleet. Under the circumstances there was no alternative left Lieut. Steveas but to destroy the Arkansas to prevent her falling into the hands of the enemy. The officers and crew were sent ashore with small arms and ammunition, and as one of our lookouts reported a force landing below us, our ship's company was marched off toward the interior of the country, only two men deserting, both mess room men from New Orleans. Lieut. Read, Midshipmen Bacot, Scales and Talbott, Gunner Travers and myself (acting as aid to Lieut. Commanding Stevens) were ordered to remain aboard, to assist in destroying the vessel. The machinery of the engine was broken up with axes and the ward room bedding fired in several places; the cotton in the inside bulkheads between the guns was cut open and fired; the magazines opened, cartridges scattered about, and loaded shell placed on the gun deck between the guns. In this condition, with the ward room in a