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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. (search)
forces at Fort Pulaski, Ga. Union forces. Maj.-Gen. David Hunter, department commander. Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Benham, division commander. Daufuskie Island, Brig.-Gen. Egbert L. Viele: 6th Conn., Col. John L. Chatfield; 8th Me. (5 co's), Lieut.-Col. Ephraim W. Woodman; 48th N. Y., Col. James H. Perry. Jones Island (K, 1st N. Y. Engineers, Capt. H. L. Southard, and G, 3d R. I. Artillery, Capt. John H. Gould), Lieut.-Col. William B. Barton. Bird Island (E, 3d R. 1. Artillery, Capt. James E. Bailey, and E, 1st N. Y. Engineers, Capt. James E. Place), Maj. Oliver T. Beard. Tybee Island, Acting Brig.-Gen. Q. A. Gillmore: 7th Conn., Col. Alfred H. Terry; 8th Mich., Col. William M. Fenton; 46th N. Y., Col. Rudolph Rosa; 1st N. Y. Engineers, (Co's A and D, Lieut. Thomas B. Brooks and Capt. Frederick E. Graef), Lieut.-Col. James F. Hall; B, F, and H, 3d R. I. Artillery, Capts. L. C. Tourtellot, Pardon Mason, and Horatio Rogers, Jr.; detachment A, U. S. Engineers, Sergeant James E. Wil
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Petersburg and Richmond: December 31st, 1864. (search)
n. Romeyn B. Ayres (on leave), Col. James Gwyn. First Brigade, Col. Frederick Winthrop: 5th N. Y., Capt. Charles S. Montgomery; 15th N. Y. Heavy Art'y, Lieut.-Col. Michael Wiedrich; 140th N. Y., Capt. William S. Grantsynn; 146th N. Y., Maj. James Grindlay. Second Brigade, Col. Andrew W. Denison: 1st Md., Col. John W. Wilson; 4th Md., Col. Richard N. Bowerman; 7th Md., Lieut.-Col. David T. Bennett; 8th Md., Lieut.-Col. John G. Johannes. Third Brigade, Col. William Sergeant: 3d Del., Maj. James E. Bailey; 4th Del., Maj. Moses B. Gist; 157th Pa. (4 co's), Maj. Edmund T. Tiers; 190th and 191st Pa., Lieut.-Col. Joseph B. Pattee; 210th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Edward L. Witman. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Samuel W. Crawford. Sharp-shooters: 1st N. Y. (batt'n), Capt. Clinton Perry. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Edward S. Bragg (on leave), Col. Henry A. Morrow: 24th Mich., Maj. William Hutchinson; 143d Pa., Maj. Chester K. Hughes; 149th Pa., Maj. James Glenn; 150th Pa., Maj. George W. Jones; 6th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Tennessee, (search)
1840 Felix Grundy21st to 25th1829 to 1838 Ephraim H. Foster25th to 26th1838 to 1839 Alexander Anderson26th to 27th1840 to 1841 Felix Grundy26th1839 to 1840 Alfred O. P. Nicholson26th to 28th1841 to 1843 Ephraim H. Foster28th to 29th1843 to 1845 Spencer Jarnagin28th to 30th1843 to 1847 Hopkins L. Turney29th to 32d1845 to 1851 John Bell30th to 36th1847 to 1859 James C. Jones32d to 35th1851 to 1857 Andrew Johnson35th to 38th1857 to 1862 Alfred O. P. Nicholson36th1859 to 1861 37th and 38th Congresses vacant. David T. Patterson39th to 41st1866 to 1869 Joseph S. Fowler39th to 42d1866 to 1871 William G. Brownlow41st to 44th1869 to 1875 Henry Cooper42d to 45th1871 to 1877 Andrew Johnson44th1875 David McKendree Keyto1875 to 1877 James E. Bailey44th to 47th1877 to 1881 Isham G. Harris45th to 54th1877 to 1897 Howell E. Jackson47th to 49th1881 to 1886 Washington C. Whitthorne49th to 50th1886 to 1888 William B. Bate50th to ——1888 to —— Thomas B. Turley54th to —
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treason. (search)
and comfort. In consequence of the disturbances in western North Carolina (see Frankland) and symptoms of disaffection on the southwestern border, and in Kentucky, the Virginia legislature passed a law in October, 1785, subjecting to the penalties of treason all attempts to erect a new State in any part of her territory without permission first obtained of the Assembly. Pennsylvania had passed a similar law. When Admiral Farragut arrived before New Orleans (April 28, 1862), he sent Captain Bailey ashore with a flag to demand the surrender of the city. The military commander (Lovell) turned over the whole matter to the civil authorities. The demand was refused. Meanwhile a force had landed from one of the vessels and hoisted the National flag over the Mint. As soon as they retired a gambler, named William B. Mumford, with some young men, tore down the flag and dragged it through the streets in derision. This act was hailed with acclamations of approval by the Confederates of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing),
, the (search)
Varuna, the In the naval battle on the Mississippi, below New Orleans, the chief efforts of the Confederate gunboats seemed to be directed against the Cayuga, Captain Bailey, and the Varuna, Captain Boggs. the Cayuga had compelled three of the Confederate gunboats to surrender to her, and was fighting desperately, when the Varuna rushed into the thickest of the battle to rescue her. Then the Varuna became the chief object of the wrath of the Confederates. Immediately after passing the forts, reported Captain Boggs, I found myself amid a nest of rebel steamers. As he penetrated this nest, he poured a broadside upon each vessel as he passed. The first that received his fire appeared to be crowded with troops. Her boiler was exploded by a shot, and she drifted ashore. Soon afterwards the Varuna drove three other vessels ashore in flames, and all of them blew up. Very soon afterwards she was fiercely attacked by the ram Governor Moore. commanded by Captain Kennon, formerly of t
seph Story Pitman; Major, J. S. Slocum; Adjutant, Charles H. Merriman; Quartermaster, Cyrus G. Dyer; Quartermaster-Sergeant, E. M. Jencks; Paymaster, Henry T. Sissen; Sergeant-Major, John P. Shaw. The Company officers are as follows: Company A--Captain, Arthur F. Dexter; First Lieutenant, Addison H. White; Second Lieutenant, G. Frank Low; Ensign, Charles F. Topliff. Company B--Captain, Nicholas Van Slyck; First Lieutenant, Nelson Vaill; Second Lieutenant, James E. Hidden; Ensign, James E. Bailey. Company C--Captain, William W. Brown; First Lieutenant, Luther C. Warner; Second Lieutenant, Zephaniah Brown; Ensign, Albert C. Eddy. Company D--Captain, Nathaniel W. Brown; First Lieutenant, Sylvester R. Knight; Second Lieutenant, Charles R. Dennis; Ensign, Henry A. Prescott. Company E--Captain, Stephen R. Bucklin; First Lieutenant, William R. Walker; Second Lieutenant, Lucian B. Stone; Ensign, Levi Tower. Company F--Captain, Geo. W. Tew; First Lieutenant, Wm. A. Stedman;
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
nesseeGen. J. E. JohnstonOct. 21, 1861.Oct. 21, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861. Promoted Major-General August 13, 1863; brigade composed of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 11th Alabama regiments, the 19th Mississippi and the 38th Virginia regiments, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. 465Williams, John S.KentuckyBrig. Gen. MarshallApril 18, 1862.April 16, 1862. April 18, 1862. Brigade composed of the 22d, 36th and 45th Virginia infantry regiments, the 8th Virginia cavalry, Bailey's and Edgar's battalions and the Light Batteries of Captains Otey and Lowry; brigade afterwards composed of the 1st, 2d and 9th Kentucky, the 2d Kentucky battalion, Allison's squadron and Hamilton's battalion. 466Wilson, Claudius C.GeorgiaGen. B. BraggNov. 18, 1863.Nov. 16, 1863. Feb. 17, 1864. Died November 24, 1863; brigade composed of the 13th, 25th, 29th and 30th Georgia regiments, the 1st battalion Georgia Sharpshooters and the 4th Louisiana battalion, Army of Tennessee. 467Winder, Ch
esseeRegimentInfantryCol. J. W. Gillespie   44thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. S. FultonMay 5, 1862.  Col. C. A. McDaniel   45thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. A. Searey   Col. Addison Mitchell   46thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. Jonathan DawsonSept. 30, 1862.  Col. John M. Clark   47thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. M. R. Hill   84thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. W. M. Voorhies   48thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. G. H. Nixon   49thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. D. A. Lyman   Col. Jas. E. Bailey   50thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. C. A. SuggJan. 26, 1862.  51stTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. B. M. Browder   52dTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. B. J. Lea   53dTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. J. R. White   Col. A. J. Abernathy   54thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. Wm. Dearing   55thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. A. J. BrownSept. 25, 1862.  Col. McKorn   56thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. A. J. Brown   57thTennesseeRegimentInfantryCol. Morgan   58t
Caswell; adjutant-general, Daniel S. Donelson; inspector-general, William H. Carroll; surgeon-general, B. W. Avent; chief of artillery, John P. McCown; assistant adjutant-generals, W. C. Whitthorn, James D. Porter, Hiram S. Bradford and D. M. Key, with assistants for all departments; and on the 28th of June following he appointed Bushrod R. Johnson, colonel and chief of engineers, and made Moses H. Wright captain and chief of ordnance. For military and financial board, Neill S. Brown, James E. Bailey and William G. Harding were selected. V. K. Stevenson was made colonel and chief quartermaster, with a full complement of assistants. Maj. George W. Cunningham was placed in charge of the depot at Nashville for the accumulation of supplies, and there, and subsequently at Atlanta, Ga., he exhibited extraordinary skill and energy in the discharge of his duty. The military and financial board rendered great assistance to the chiefs of the several departments of the army. The services o
officers and men of all arms. Gen. U. S. Grant, commanding an army of 16,000 men, had landed at Bailey's ferry, four miles below Fort Henry, on the 4th of February, 1862, and proceeded with the inves. A. Heiman; Forty-second, Col. W. A. Quarles; Thirtieth, Col. John W. Head; Forty-ninth, Col. James E. Bailey; Forty-eighth, Col. W. M. Voorhees; Tennessee battalion, Colonel Browder; Fiftieth, Colonef command. The Tennessee brigade commanders were Col. A. Heiman, Col. John C. Brown and Col. James E. Bailey, the latter commanding the garrison of the fort; Col. N. B. Forrest commanded the cavalre forehead, killing him instantly. This was the only casualty sustained by the batteries. Colonel Bailey's brigade constituted the garrison of the fort and rendered great assistance to the gunners.ird and Thirty-second Tennessee, and subsequently by the regiments of Colonels Quarles, Sugg and Bailey. General Buckner reported that the enemy made repeated attempts to storm my line on the right, b