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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
e; they were fighting in all directions. Captains Bailey and Bell, who were in command of the firse courage or higher professional merit. Captain Bailey, who had preceded me up the quarantine staes, each line taking its respective work. Captain Bailey was still far in advance, not having noticred immediately in front of it, and I sent Captain Bailey on shore to demand the surrender of it froity I had the honor to send to your honor, Captain Bailey, United States navy, second in command of ve of the government of the United States. Captain Bailey reported to me the result of an interview on our port side. After consultation with Captain Bailey, we concluded to wait for the fleet to comth loud and hearty cheers. The Cayuga, (Captain Bailey's flag,) also cheered the Oneida heartily e honor of forwarding to the department by Captain Bailey, no opportunity occurring to send it throuheir respective lines, the starboard under Captain Bailey, in the gun-boat Cayuga, leading. At 3.28[8 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 20: a brave officer's mortification.--history set right. (search)
es you all the credit claimed by your own report, as well as that given you by mine. D. G. F. Response of Rear-Admiral Bailey.Washington, D. C., April 27, 1869. My Dear Admiral — I have received and carefully read your letter of the 3rd, Letters to the Secretary of the Navy. New York, May 24, 1869. Sir — My attention having been called by Rear-Admiral Bailey to an incorrect sketch which accompanied my report of May 6, 1862, upon the passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philised through the obstructions after the chains had been separated. This will demonstrate that Rear-Admiral (then Captain) Bailey led the fleet in the Cayuga, up to the attack on the forts, as had been previously ordered, he taking St. Philip with hise — the diagram being evidently a clerical error — and in opposition to the text, in which I distinctly state that Rear-Admiral Bailey not only led, but performed his duty with great gallantry, to which I call the attention of the Department. Ve
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
New Orleans. defences of New Orleans. two brave men (Capt. Bailey and Lieut. Perkins) face a mob. the Army under Generalragut's first acts on reaching New Orleans was to send Captain Bailey on shore, accompanied by Lieutenant George H. Perkins,d men at their backs. I want to see the mayor, said Captain Bailey, show me where he lives ; and now the crowd woke again no one in the squadron knew what might be their fate, but Bailey and Perkins walked coolly on in defiance of the rabble untf the Hartford were loaded with grape and canister, and as Bailey and Perkins were shut in by the crowd, the men stood to thundue influence in New Orleans. We have come. said Captain Bailey to the mayor, to demand the surrender of New Orleans, earance again howled, if possible, louder than before, but Bailey and Perkins waved them aside, and strode back to the leveee events of the civil war. Soon after the return of Captain Bailey and Lieutenant Perkins, Captain Charles H. Bell landed