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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
tulation of facts heretofore stated in this correspondence will amply suffice: The casualties in Jackson's brigade of Cleburne's division, which assaulted on Baird's front, was thirty-five per cent., while the Fifth Georgia of that brigade lost fifty-five per cent., and the First Confederate Regulars forty-three per cent. Gre night. It organized and invited co-operation from the ex Confederates present. The meeting here noticed was the result. There were present Generals Rosecrans, Baird, Reynolds, Cist, Manderson and Boykin, and Colonel Kellogg, of the Union officers, and Generals Bate of Tennessee, Colquitt of Georgia, Walthall of Mississippi, Whng the proper list of incorporators. The committee met again the following day when General Cist and Senator Colquitt completed their sub-committee by adding Generals Baird, Walthall, Wheeler, Wright, Boynton, and Colonel Kellogg. It was agreed that each side should name fifty of the leading veterans of that field and some civil
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.36 (search)
n Europe where the proportionate losses were as great as those of both sides at Chickamauga. The total loss of each army was over twenty-five per cent. of all engaged. General Longstreet's loss, chiefly incurred in four hours of one day's fighting, was thirty-six per cent. To illustrate this feature of the project, a brief recapitulation of facts heretofore stated in this correspondence will amply suffice: The casualties in Jackson's brigade of Cleburne's division, which assaulted on Baird's front, was thirty-five per cent., while the Fifth Georgia of that brigade lost fifty-five per cent., and the First Confederate Regulars forty-three per cent. Gregg's brigade, of Buckner's corps, lost 653 out of 1,425. Helm's Kentucky brigade, on the Union left, lost seventy-five per cent. of its strength. Bate's brigade lost seven officers killed and sixty-one officers wounded, and the total casualties were 607 out of 1,316. All his field officers except three were killed or wounded. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
. Arkansas Inf., 13th Regiment, 70. Army of Northern Virginia, 25; Annual Meeting of Society of, 281; Officers of, 296; Articles of Surrender of, 107. Artillery, C. S., 58, 67; Ordnance from England, 172. Ashby, Gen. Turner W., 112. Ashe, Col., John, 431. Asparagus, Substitute for, 107. Audubon, J. J., 428. Augusta, Ga., C. S. Arsenal at, 289; Confederate Survivors' Association of, 270. Augustin, Col., 300. Avery, Major, 25. Ayres' Battery, 94. Axson, Capt., 405. Baird, Gen. A., 349. Baker, Gen., 267. Bancroft, Geo., 429. Bane, Col., 380. Bankhead, Col., 349. Bankhead, Sergeant J., 91. Barker, Capt. W. N., 91, 102. Barnes, U. S. N. Commander, 285. Barnes, Col., Dixon, 18, 20. Barnwell county, S. C., 22. Barnwell, Lt., 123. Barnwell, Hon., Robert, 418. Barr, Capt., 59, 64, 66. Barrineau, J. T., 162. Barrow, Col. R. H., 71, 76, 313. Bartless, Capt. W. H., 395. Bassett, Capt., 380. Bate, Gen W. B., 349, 375. Batl., Va., 91. Battery Gregg, 15