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Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 10 8 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 3 3 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
sion, Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. T. Wofford: 16th Ga.,----; The dash indicates that the name of the commanding officer has not been found in the Official Records.--editors. 18th Ga.,----; 24th Ga.,----; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion,----; Phillips's (Ga.) Legion,----. Brigade loss: k, 74; w, 479; m, 9 = 562. Semmes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Paul J. Semmes: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Holt; 50th Ga., Lieut.-Col. F. Kearse; 51st Ga., Col. W. M. Slaughter (k), Lieut.-Col. Edward Ball (w); 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms. Brigade loss: k, 85; w, 492; m, 26 =603. Kershaw's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw: 2d S. C., Col. John D. Kennedy; 3d S. C., Maj. R. C. Maffett; 7th S. C., Col. Elbert Bland; 8th S. C., Col. John W. Henagan; 15th S. C., Lieut.-Col. Joseph F. Gist; 3d S. C. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. W. G. Rice. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 90; m, 2=104. Barksdale's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William Barksdale: 13th Miss., Col. J. W. Carter; 17th Miss., Col. W. D. Holder;
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
gade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw: 2d S. C., Col. J. D. Kennedy (w), Lieut.-Col. F. Gaillard; 3d S. C., Maj. R. C. Maffett, Col. J. D. Nance; 7th S. C., Col. D. Wyatt Aiken; 8th S. C., Col. J. W. Henagan; 15th S. C., Col. W. G. De Saussure (k), Maj. William M. Gist; 3d S. C. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. W. G. Rice. Brigade loss: k, 115; w, 483; m, 32= 630. Semmes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Paul J. Semmes (m w), Col. Goode Bryan: 10th Ga., Col. John B. Weems; 50th Ga., Col. W. R. Manning; 51st Ga., Col. E. Ball; 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms. Brigade loss: k, 55; w, 284; m, 91=430. Barksdale's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William Barksdale (m w), Col. Benjamin G. Humphreys: 13th Miss., Col. J. W. Carter; 17th Miss., Col. W. D. Holder, Lieut.-Col. John C. Fiser; 18th Miss., Col. T. M. Griffin, Lieut.-Col. W. H. Luse; 21st Miss., Col. B. G. Humphreys. Brigade loss: k, 105; w, 550; in, 92=747. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William T. Wofford: 16th Ga., Col. Goode Bryan; 18th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Ruff; 24
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Knoxville, Tenn.: November 17th-December 4th, 1863. (search)
(w); 3d Ga. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Lieut.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr. Brigade loss: k, 48; w, 121; m, 81==250. Humphreys's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin G. Humphreys: 13th Miss., Col. Kennon McElroy (k), Maj. G. L. Donald; 17th Miss., Lieut.-Col. John C. Fiser (w); 18th Miss., Col. Thomas M. Griffin; 21st Miss., Col. W. L. Brandon. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 105; m, 56==182. Bryan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Goode Bryan: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Willis C. Holt; 50th Ga., Col. P. McGlashan; 51st Ga., Col. E. Ball; 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms (w). Brigade loss: k, 27; w, 121; m, 64==212. Hood's division, Brig.-Gen. Micah Jenkins. Jenkins's Brigade, Col. John Bratton: 1st S. C., Col. F. W. Kilpatrick; 2d S. C. Rifles, Col. Thomas Thomson; 5th S. C., Col. A. Coward; 6th S. C.----; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Col. M. W. Gary; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharpshooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Brigade loss: k, 22; w, 109; m, 5==136. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jerome B. Robertson: 3d Ark., Col. Van H. Manning;
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
Sheftall; Capts. (B) P. C. Pendleton, (F) W. O. Flemming and H. L. Reeves, (I) C. Townsend, (K) John G. McCall. The Fifty-first regiment Georgia volunteers was mustered in with the following field officers: Col. W. M. Slaughter (died), Lieut.-Col. E. Ball, Maj. O. P. Anthony, Adjt. J. H. West; Capts. (A) H. M. Dunwoody, (B) W. C. Ware (killed), (C) A. Cumbie, (D) T. M. D. Hopkins, (E) James Dickey, (F) B. J. Kendrick, (G) John P. Crawford, (H) Edward Ball, (I) O. P. Anthony, (K) William M. the continuous battles of the campaigns of 1864-65, from the Wilderness to Appomattox, suffering, like all the regiments of that army, great losses in officers and men. Officers during this term of service succeeding those already named were: Cols. E. Ball and James Dickey; Lieut.-Cols. O. P. Anthony, J. Dickey and J. P. Crawford; Majs. H. M. Dunwoody, James Dickey and J. P. Crawford; Capts. (A) S. Alexander (killed) and W. R. McLean, (B) W. H. Chastain, (C) J. W. Brooks, (F) T. M. Jones, (H)
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 10: (search)
h, Twenty-second, and Capts. W. N. Kendrick and William A. Spier, Forty-eighth. Semmes' brigade, as has been noted, fought on the line confronting the forward movement of Hooker from Chancellorsville. It was the chief participant in the defeat of Sykes' division of United States regulars on May 1st, the Fifty-first Georgia bearing the brunt of the fight. Col. W. M. Slaughter, the gallant leader of the Fifty-first, received his death-wound early in the action, and a little later Lieut.-Col. Edward Ball was wounded in the head. As the Federal lines gave way on Sunday morning, McLaws and Anderson pressed forward to a union with Jackson's corps, and Lieutenant-Colonel Holt, who with his entire regiment, the veteran and gallant Tenth Georgia, was on skirmish duty, sent forward Lieutenant Bailey, Company A of his regiment, with a flag of truce and demanded the surrender of a party of the enemy still in their trenches. Three hundred and forty men and officers, considerably outnumberin
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 11: (search)
of sharpshooters; Capt. S. G. Pryor, Twelfth; Capt. J. B. Reese, Forty-fourth; Lieut. J. G. Stephens, Fourth, and Lieut. J. S. Wilder, Twenty-first. One flag was captured by the Twelfth. When Longstreet's corps took position on the field to the south of A. P. Hill, on the second day of the battle, four more Georgia brigades were brought into action. In McLaws' division were the brigade of Gen. P. J. Semmes—Tenth regiment, Col. John B. Weems; Fiftieth, Col. W. R. Manning; Fifty-first, Col. E. Ball; and the brigade of Gen. W. T. Wofford—Sixteenth regiment, Col. Goode Bryan; Eighteenth, Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Ruff; Twenty-fourth, Col. Robert McMillan; Cobb's legion, Lieut.-Col. Luther J. Glenn; Phillips' legion. Lieut. E. S. Barclay. In Hood's division were the brigade of Gen. George T. Anderson—Seventh Georgia, Col. W. W. White; Eighth, Col. John R. Towers; Ninth, Lieut.-Col. John C. Mounger; Eleventh, Col. F. H. Little, and Fifty-ninth, Col. Jack Brown; and the brigade of Gen. Henry L<
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 14: (search)
n, and sustained the heaviest brigade losses. Gen. Goode Bryan's brigade—the Tenth Georgia, Col. John B. Weems; Fiftieth, Col. Peter McGlashan; Fifty-first, Col. Edward Ball; Fifty-third, Col. James P. Simms—was selected for duty on the picket line of Hood's division on the 27th, Lieu. tenant-Colonel Holt, of the Tenth, having at the assault, is worthy of all praise. He led his brigade to the work, and after seeing that all was done that could be done, was the very last to retire. Col. E. Ball, of the Fifty-first Georgia, and Colonel Simms, of the Fifty-third, who was wounded in the assault; Lieut.-Col. W. C. Holt, Major McBride, Adjutant Strickland eded in getting on the slope, but not in sufficient force to venture over the parapet into the fort. The loss of the brigade was 246 wounded and missing. Col. Edward Ball, commanding Bryan's brigade, reported that the Tenth Georgia volunteers, commanded by Lieut.-Col. W. C. Holt, drove the enemy from his rifle-pits to the work
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 15: (search)
intained a good reputation. In addition to the Georgia commands already mentioned as being with Early, there were at the battle of Cedar Creek: in Kershaw's division, Wofford's brigade, consisting of the Sixteenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-fourth Georgia regiments, and Third Georgia battalion, also Cobb's Georgia legion and. Phillips' legion; in Bryan's brigade, commanded by Col. James P. Simms, the Tenth Georgia, Col. W. C. Holt; Fiftieth Georgia, Col. P. McGlashan; Fifty-first Georgia, Col. E. Ball, and the Fifty-third Georgia. The division which included Gen. Phil Cook's. brigade was now commanded by General Ramseur, General Rodes having been killed at Winchester. At early dawn of October 19th, the divisions of Gordon, Ramseur and Pegram, under the command of Gordon, attacked the Federal rear; while Kershaw and Wharton, with all the artillery, attacked the front and flank. The Federal army was surprised and routed, losing much artillery and many prisoners. But late that after
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 17: (search)
in battle. Upon the arrival of the Federals, two regiments under Colonel Hawley, of Wisconsin, occupied the capital city, and according to his own report, burned the railroad depot, two arsenals, a powder magazine and other public buildings and shops, and destroyed large quantities of arms, ammunition and salt. A general pillage followed these acts of war. Then the two Federal corps pushed on by way of Hebron, Sandersville, Tennille and Louisville, and Howard's wing crossed the Oconee at Ball's ferry and advanced in two columns by the 1st of December to the neighborhood of Sebastopol. Howard at this date reported that he had destroyed the Ocmulgee cotton mills, and had supplied his army from the country, which he found full of provisions and forage. I regret to say that quite a number of private dwellings which the inhabitants have left have been destroyed by fire, but without official sanction; also many instances of the most inexcusable and wanton acts, such as the breaking