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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Ball or search for Ball in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
The battle of Fredericksburg. Paper no. 1. By General E. P. Alexander. Crossing the river and occupying the town. On the 15th of November General Burnside put his columns in motion towards Fredericksburg, and on the same day General Lee ordered Lewis's Battery and a Mississippi regiment of infantry, which had been guarding railroad bridges near Richmond, to reinforce the Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, under Colonel Ball, which was in observation at that point. This force reached Fredericksburg on the 17th, a short while before the arrival at Falmouth of the head of the Federal column under Major-General Sumner, and a small artillery duel occurred between Lewis's Battery and a Federal rifle battery, under a Captain Petitt, the latter having decidedly the best of it, as Lewis carried but four very inferior guns. Much credit was claimed at the time for this small Confederate force for preventing the crossing of the Rappahannock by the Federals, but, however impudent its intention
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the First battle of Manassas. (search)
ckly to my position, for the heavy firing still continued, I had barely done so, when Colonel Murray cried out: Look, Colonel, those fellows are moving. Again stopping them I again returned to the bluff, when Colonel Murray for the third time exclaimed. Colonel, those fellows are off again. Much exasperated, I put spurs to my horse, soon overtook them, and galloping around their left flank, drew up in their front, and again brought them to a halt on the road leading from the Lewis house to Ball's or Lewis' ford, I am uncertain which. As I did so, I heard some in the ranks cry out, who the h-ll is that? To which I replied in a loud voice, I am Colonel Smith of the Forty-ninth Virginia Volunteers. To which Colonel Fisher promptly replied, and I am Colonel Fisher of the Sixth North Carolina, all I ask is to be put in position, and Colonel Falkner then said, and I am Colonel Falkner of the Second Mississippi, but from the distance he was from me, I heard him imperfectly, yet understo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Third Battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
oncentration of artillery, was to dismount a siege gun, which occupied a position between the two sections of Moore's battery. In this angle of the line of Johnston's front were the seige piece, two twenty pounder Parrotts, two three inch rifled pieces, and three twelve pounder Howitzers, eight guns in all. Private Henry Gordon, a member of Lieutenant Ritter's section, was killed on the evening of the second day (Saturday). He was a good soldier, and his loss was regretted by all. Sergeant Ball, of the Missouri Artillery, acted as gunner of the siege piece, and was badly wounded on Saturday by a sharpshooter. These sharpshooters had sheltered themselves in a large building, four hundred yards from Moore's battery, on the right of the Raymond road, and annoyed his men by keeping up an incessant fire, so that they could not move without danger. Ritter resorted to everything he could think of to destroy this building, but failed. He filled shells with the composition of port fi