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James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 13 1 Browse Search
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 8 6 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 4 2 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 4 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 4 2 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 28, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 2 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 2 0 Browse Search
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A Federal gunboat commenced shelling the fortifications we were erecting on the high bluff immediately north of the town. That shelling continued only about an hour. During all of it he and his immediate staff remained near the battery of Captain Bankhead, which from the bluff was answering the fire of the gunboat. We stood close by the battery; and, after a shell had exploded near to it, Captain Bankhead came up to the general and remarked to him that the gunboat was evidently getting its rCaptain Bankhead came up to the general and remarked to him that the gunboat was evidently getting its range, and he should not expose his person needlessly. The general very calmly answered, Captain, we must all take our risks. Afterward, the manner of his death at Shiloh impressed the incident permanently on my memory. But, in fact, his conduct on that occasion was not rash, but wise. He doubtless was aware of that defect of new troops (to which General Joseph E. Johnston subsequently alluded in a conversation with Colonel Freemantle), in refusing full confidence, even to a commander-in-chie
naccustomed way. Ketchum's invaluable services have already been alluded to. Byrne's battery rendered not less useful service on Sunday, and again on Monday, to the Kentucky Brigade. When Byrne called on the Sixth Kentucky Regiment for a detail, No detail, cried John Spurrier, springing from the ranks, but all the volunteers you want! and thus he was supplied. Captain Polk lost a leg, fighting his guns well; Hodgson and Slocomb, with the Washington Artillery, are highly commended; and Bankhead's, Gage's, and Girardey's batteries; and, indeed, the record of gallant and effective service, commemorated in the battle reports, covers the entire list of batteries, so that almost any distinction seems invidious. The brigadiers and infantry commanders appear anxious to testify with generous gratitude to the obligations they were under to the artillery. A gallant soldier, Major Caldwell of the Ninth Kentucky, who afterward commanded a brigade, informed the writer that he never saw the a
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
utting it up for the present. During the morning I visited Colonel Bankhead, a tall, gentlemanlike Virginian, who was commanding officer o Texas is so cut off that she only hears once in many months. Colonel and Mrs. Bankhead called for me in their ambulance at 5 P. M., andMrs. Bankhead called for me in their ambulance at 5 P. M., and they drove me to see the source of the San Antonio, which is the most beautiful clear spring I ever saw. We also saw the extensive foundatioeer little naval officer,--why a major I couldn't discover. Mrs. Bankhead is a violent Southerner. She was twice ordered out of Memphis uch smarter than their mistresses. At 5 P. M. I dined with Colonel Bankhead, who gave an entertainment, which in these hard times must ha eulogiums upon her majesty. 27th April, 1863 (Monday). -Colonel Bankhead has given me letters of introduction to General Bragg, to Genel Leonidas Polk, and several others. At 2 P. M. I called on Mrs. Bankhead to say goodby. She told me that her husband had two brothers i
me deplorable from lack of food, while those who were hurt suffered indescribable agony, since no means were at hand for dressing their wounds. By the third day the Indians, seeming to despair of destroying the beleaguered party before succor might arrive, began to draw off, and on the fourth wholly disappeared. The men were by this time nearly famished for food. Even now there was nothing to be had except horsemeat from the carcasses of the animals killed the first day, and this, though decidedly unpalatable, not to say disgusting, had to be put up with, and so on such unwholesome stuff they managed to live for four days longer, at the end of which time they were rescued by a column of troops under Colonel Bankhead, which had hastened from Fort Wallace in response to calls for help, carried there by two brave fellowsStilwell and Truedell-who, volunteering to go for relief, had slipped through the Indians, and struck out for that post in the night after the first day's fight.
t town by reembarking his army on his transports, and sailing out of the Yazoo.--(Doc. 91.) General J. E. B. Stuart, with his rebel cavalry, returned to Richmond this morning from his expedition to Occoquan, Dumfries, and Anandale,Va., having been absent seven days, during which time he burned several bridges on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and captured or destroyed large quantities of National stores.--Richmond Dispatch, January 3, 1863. The iron-clad steamer Monitor, Commander Bankhead, sprung a leak and foundered a few miles south of Cape Hatteras, N. C. Four officers and twelve men were lost in her.--(Doc. 93.) The battle of Parker's Cross-Roads, Tenn., was this day fought between a detachment of Union troops, under the command of Colonel C. L. Dunham, and a large rebel cavalry force, under General Forrest. After a desperate conflict of several hours' duration, during which neither party obtained the victory, General Sullivan arrived on the field with reinfor
ack all show quite plainly; she is within six miles of us, and though she knows a stern chase is a long one, yet she sees it is useless for her to try to keep us at it longer, and as a last resource heads in for shore. We make for a point across her bows, and the race from that time on is one steady and rapid gain upon her, and the captain said she would hardly get on too shoal water for us to follow, ere we overhauled her. At seven P. M., we were within three or four miles of her, and Captain Bankhead orders the fifty-pound rifle to be fired to bring her to. It was done, but she paid no attention to it — he orders a solid shot to be fired across her bows. It was fired, and struck the water about a hundred yards ahead of her. Still she don't seem to heave to, and another shot is fired, which struck the water within twenty yards of her, so we have since been told. This brought her to, and she showed the white flag. A few minutes later brought us near enough to see her boats filled a
. Aggregate present and absent. Remarks. Effective total. Aggregate. Infantry:       From the commander of First Corps only two divisions, with four batteries, are reported. Returns are wanted from the following commands of his corps, viz: Lieutenant-Colonel Brewer's cavalry battalion, Purdy; Colonel Jackson's regiment, Union City; Major King's battalion, McKenzie's Station; Lieutenant-Colonel Miller, Lexington; Colonel Hill's regiment, Trenton; Colonel Travis' regiment, Corinth; Captain Bankhead's battery. From commander Second Corps everything reported. From commander of Third Corps: He reports his old division, composed of two brigades, two batteries, and seven battalions of light artillery and cavalry. This is all reported from the Central Army. See under date of March 31, ante. From Madrid Bend and Island 10 there is no report of the cavalry or of the Eleventh and Twelfth Arkansas Regiments or the Fourth Arkansas Battalion.   Madrid Bend and Island 10 1,996 2,822 3
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Naval chronology 1861-1865: important naval engagements of the Civil war March, 1861-June, 1865 (search)
y U. S. steamers Daylight and Mount Vernon. November 18, 1862. British schooners Ariel and Ann Maria captured off Little Run, S. C., by U. S. gunboat Monticello. December, 1862. December 12, 1862. U. S. gunboat Cairo sunk in the Yazoo River by a torpedo. The crew saved. December 27, 1862. Engagement between the Benton and the Confed. battery at Drumgould's Bluff on the Yazoo. Lieut.-Comdr. Gwin mortally wounded. December 31, 1862. Ironclad Monitor, Commander Bankhead, foundered off Cape Hatteras, N. C. January, 1863. January 1, 1863. Galveston, Texas, with its garrison of 300 men, recaptured by Confederates under Gen. Magruder, and 2 steamers, Bayou City and Neptune. 6 Federal gunboats were in the harbor. The Harriet Lane was captured after a severe fight, in which Commander Wainwright was killed, and some of his crew. Federal flagship Westfield was blown up by Commander Renshaw, to avoid capture, by which he lost his life, with many o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The concentration before Shiloh-reply to General Ruggles. (search)
n Withers's rear. First he suggests that Clark's division followed Withers closely, then further on he assumes that Polk's corps pressed forward contrary to the order of march, taking his place. One would think that the General would realize that suggestions and assumptions are entirely out of place in a question of such a nature. Evidence is the thing that would be of service. I can offer some. I happened to be attached to Clark's division at the time, as junior second lieutenant in Bankhead's battery. At 5 o'clock in the morning I was at Mickie's, quite near the head of the division. There I remained till about 2 P. M., seeing every body of troops that passed between those hours. Our division (Clark's) did not move east by Mickie's till about 2 P. M. We saw the last of Withers's about 11. Now here was an interval of three hours, and here we have the delay in the formation of the troops of which we write. Now who was responsible? Polk who was in place and under orders, wa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Amelia Island, (search)
ling. It was a second Barataria, and to it some of the old privateers and smugglers of Lafitte's band of Baratarians resorted. Under a secret act, passed in 1811, and first made public in 1817, the President took the responsibility of suppressing both these establishments. Aury had joined McGregor with the Galveston desperadoes, and their force was formidable. The President sent Captain Henly, in the ship John Adams, with smaller vessels, and a battalion of Charleston artillery under Major Bankhead, to take possession of Amelia Island. McGregor was then at sea, leaving Aury in command of the island. He was summoned to evacuate it; and on Dec. 23 the naval and military commanders, with their forces, entered the place and took quiet possession. Aury left it in February, and so both nests of pirates and smugglers were broken up. At the same time there was much sympathy felt in the United States for the revolted Spanish-American colonies, and, in spite of the neutrality laws, a numb
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