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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 355 3 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 147 23 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 137 13 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 135 7 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 129 1 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 125 13 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 108 38 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 85 7 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 84 12 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 70 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
might do as much to promote as the late Andersonville debate did to retard the reconciliation of the sections. To the Editor of the Tribune: Sir — I apprehend no one will accuse me with having ever harbored disunion proclivities, or of any inclination toward secession heresies. But truth is truth, justice is justice, and an act of proposed magnanimity should not be impaired by both an untruth and an injustice. The statement in the House of Representatives on Thursday last, made by General Banks during the debate on the proposed amnesty bill, was more entirely correct than, perhaps, he had reason to credit. What I now relate are facts: Mr. Horace Greeley received a letter, dated June 22d, 1865, from Mrs. Jefferson Davis. It was written at Savannah, Georgia, where Mrs. Davis and her family were then detained under a sort of military restraint. Mr. Davis himself, recently taken prisoner, was at Fortress Monroe; and the most conspicuous special charge threatened against him by
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.36 (search)
thousand strong, if so much. It is said that Early has, including infantry, cavalry and artillery, less than 8,000 men for duty. General Anderson, with his infantry and artillery, has left us, and returned to Richmond, leaving only Fitz. Lee's small force of cavalry. On the contrary, rumor says Sheridan has fully 40,000 well equipped, well-clad and well-fed soldiers. If Early had half as many he would soon have sole possession of the Valley, and Sheridan would share the fate of Millroy, Banks, Shields, Fremont, McDowell, Hunter and his other Yankee predecessors in the Valley command. Sheridan's lack of vigor, or extra caution, very strongly resembles incompetency, or cowardice. September 14th This is the anniversary of the Battle of Boonsboroa, Maryland, where I had the ill-luck to be taken prisoner in September, 1862, and kept nineteen days before exchanged. We had just reached the scene of action, met the dead body of the gallant General Garland, when an order from Gene
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
sage of the Governor of Louisiana, in December, 1860, commonly known as the Secession message. --Proclamation of the Governor of Louisiana of May 24th, 1862, on hearing of the celebrated order of General Butler, issued in New Orleans, directing that the ladies of that city should be, under certain circumstances, treated as women of the town. --Reports of T. C. Manning and other commissioners appointed by the Governor of Louisiana upon the atrocities committed by the Federal troops under General Banks during the invasion of Western Louisiana in 1863 and 1864.--Copy of a newspaper printed in Louisiana in October, 1862, on wall paper, showing the shifts journalists had to resort to thus early. John F. Mayer, Richmond, Virginia.--Report of the Secretary of War, November 6th, 1863.--Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, December 7th, 1863.--Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, May 2d, 1864.--Report of the Secretary of War, April 28th, 1864.--Report of the Secretary of War, Novem
along the Mississippi River, of not more than two days old. We have just heard of the great battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, on the 1st, 2d and 3d instant, and the defeat of the rebel army under General Lee; and of the capture of Vicksburg, Mississippi, by General Grant, on the 4th instant, with 27,000 prisoners, 128 pieces of artillery, eighty siege guns, and arms and ammunition for 60,000 men. We also hear that Port Hudson, below Vicksburg, on the Mississippi, has surrendered to General Banks since the fall of Vicksburg, with between eight or ten thousand prisoners, fifty to sixty pieces of artillery, small arms for fifteen thousand men, and large quantities of quartermaster's, commissary and ordnance stores. The Mississippi River is now open to navigation from St. Paul to the Gulf of Mexico. The fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson cuts the Confederacy nearly through the middle, and the leaders of the rebellion must now see that their cause is utterly hopeless. We have broke
-General Jackson saved the day. Without them the Federal column would have flanked and routed Beauregard. Bee, forced back, shattered and overwhelmed, galloped up to Jackson and groaned out, General, they are beating us back! Jackson's set face did not move. Sir, he said, we will give them the bayonet. Without those 2,611 muskets that morning, good-by to Beauregard! In the next year came the Valley campaign; the desperate and most remarkable fight at Kernstown; the defeat and retreat of Banks from Strasburg and Winchester; the retreat, in turn, of his great opponent, timed with such mathematical accuracy, that at Strasburg he strikes with his right hand and his left the columns of Fremont and Shields, closing in from east and west to destroy him-strikes them and passes through, continuing his retreat up the Valley. Then comes the last scene -finis coronat. At Port Republic his adversaries strike at him in two columns. He throws himself against Fremont at Cross Keys and checks h
when Jackson made his great campaign in the Valley, crushing one after another Banks, Milroy, Shields, Fremont, and their associates. Among the brilliant figures, le column retired sullenly up the valley, fighting off the heavy columns of General Banks, Ashby was in the saddle day and night, and his guns were never silent. Thwas their reveille at dawn. Weary at last of a proceeding so unproductive, General Banks ceased the pursuit and fell back to Winchester, when Ashby pursued in his tmy, eternally skirmishing with them, until Jackson again advanced to attack General Banks at Strasburg and Winchester. It was on a bright May morning that Ashby, mohmond. Iii. The work of Ashby then began in earnest. The affair with General Banks was only a skirmish — the wars of the giants followed. Jackson, nearly unters of the days of Jackson, when from every hill-top he hurled defiance upon Banks and Fremont, and in every valley met the heavy columns of the Federal cavalry,
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A young Virginian and his spurs. (search)
cut off and captured in this wild struggle made up of dust, smoke, blood, and uproar, was Lieutenant W— . His horse had mired in the swampy ground near the Barbour House, and he was incontinently gobbled up by his friends in the blue coats, and marched to the rear, that is to say, across the Rappahannock. Lieutenant W— was an excellent specimen of those brave youths of the Valley who gathered around Jackson in the early months of the war, and in the hot fights of the great campaign against Banks and Fremont had borne himself with courage and distinction. Wounded and captured at Kernstown — I think it was-he had been exchanged, secured a transfer to the cavalry, and was now again a prisoner. He was conducted across the Rappahannock with the Confederate prisoners captured during the day, and soon found himself minus horse, pistol, and sabre-all of which had, of course, been taken from him — in front of a bonfire on the north bank of the river. Around this fire a crowd of Federa
been back to the Fairfax country, where I saw him two or three times-and now traversed the Valley again. The Rommey march, he says, was a hard one; no blankets, no rations, no fire, but a plenty of snow. I saw him on his return at Winchester, and compared notes. The weather was bad, but Bumpo's spirits good. He had held on to his musket, remaining a high private in the rear rank. Some of these days he will tell his grandchildren, if he lives, all about the days when he followed Commissary Banks about, and revelled in the contents of his wagons. Altogether they had a jovial time, in spite of snow and hunger and weariness. The days hurried on, and Port Republic was fought. Private Bumpo continued to carry his musket about. He had now seen a good deal of Virginia-knew the Valley by heart — was acquainted with the very trees and wayside stones upon the highways. Riding with me since, he has recalled many tender memories of these objects. Under that tree there, he lay down
ecall the first two names without remembering the third; and here it was-at Leesburg — that a band of the enemy's made a profound impression upon his nerves. The band in question performed across the Potomac, and belonged to the forces under General Banks, who had not yet encountered the terrible Stonewall Jackson, or even met with that disastrous repulse at Ball's Bluff. He was camped opposite Leesburg, and from the hill which we occupied could be heard the orders of the Federal officers at efore with enormous ardour, and evidently rejoicing in its power over us. The musicians played at every guard-mounting and drill; the drums rolled at tattoo and reveille; the bugles rang clearly through the air of evening; and the friends of General Banks seemed to be having the jolliest time imaginable. That miserable band continued to play its patriotic airs until everybody grew completely accustomed to it. It was even made useful by the sergeant of a company, I heard. He had no watch, and
Blunderbus on picket. scene.-Banks of the Rappahannock, in the winter of 1862-3; a camp-fire blazing under an oak, and Captain Blunderbus conversing with a Staff Officer on inspection duty — the picket stationed near, and opposite the enemy. Blunderbus loquitur.- This is pleasant-picketing always is. Uncommonly dark, however — the night black but comely, and that frosty moon yonder trying to shine, and dance on the ripples of the river! Don't you think it would look better if you saw it from the porch at home, with Mary or Fanny by your side? Picturesque, but not warm. Pile on the rails, my boy; never mind the expense. The Confederacy pays-or don't pay — for all the fences; and nothing warms the feet, expands the soul, and makes the spirits cheerful like a good rail-fire. I was reading in an old paper, the other day, some poetry-writing which they said was found on the body of one of Stonewall's sergeants at Winchester — a song he called Jackson's way. He tells his
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