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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 6 0 Browse Search
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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 4: influence of Christian officers—concluded. (search)
mpany, and as he could not easily see him, he wrote to him; and soon after he went over to his camp, and asked him to walk with him. They went together into a grove, a considerable distance from the camp; and, after conversing fully with him, he proposed that they should unite in prayer; then, kneeling at the root of a tree, he prayed for the soul of my son, and now I hope he is a Christian. This is but a specimen of his active work for Christ. In the last letter he ever penned, dated Banks of the Rappahanock, August 24, 1862, and addressed to his father, he said: This has been very little like the Sabbath. With spirits saddened by hunger and fretted by the constant roar of artillery, we have been kept in an uncomfortable frame of mind. The busy preparations for to-morrow prevent any enjoyment of the Sabbath. However, Dr. Stiles is to preach to the brigade this afternoon, and I hope to hear him. It requires a great struggle to keep the busy scenes around me from drivin
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 8: eagerness of the soldiers to hear the Gospel. (search)
aplain reads some appropriate Scripture, leads in fervent prayer, and speaks words of earnest counsel, faithful admonition or solemn warning, Something on the soldier's cheek Washes off the stain of powder. Ah! I can recall, even after this lapse of twenty-five years, not a few bright faces who used to join in those precious meetings, who were soon after striking golden harps as they joined the celestial choir. I recollect that we had very large congregations at Winchester, after Banks had been driven across the Potomac, on the call of our Christian leader to the thanksgiving service which he was accustomed to appoint after each victory—that we had a very large gathering at Strasburg, while Ewell's Division was in line of battle to keep back Fremont until all of Jackson's troops could pass the threatened point—and that on that whole campaign I never found the men too weary to assemble promptly for the evening service. Indeed, we accustomed ourselves to make sermons on the
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
, all of the Army of Tennessee, for the invaluable services they rendered the association in securing an early shipment of the paper, and saving several thousand dollars for the benefit of the soldiers and the association. Our thanks are also due Mr. Jones and Honeycut for assistance given me. I am glad to report that the trains are thronged daily with the soldiers who were furloughed home, now returning to our army in South Carolina. Receipts for the month: Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Morton, B. Banks, Gainsville, Georgia, $20 each; Mrs. M. E. Hundley, Mrs. Dr. Jas. Jones, $10 each, Thompson, Georgia. Distributions: 7,000 copies of the Army and Navy Herald; 112 Bibles; 300 Testaments; 200 gospels, and 9 sermons preached. S. M. Cherry. Milledgeville, March 1, 1865. Report for March, 1865. Rev. Robert J. Harp, Superintendent: Dear Brother: The 4th of March I received at Milledgeville 15,000 copies of the Army and Navy Herald of the issues of February 16 and 23, and March