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The Daily Dispatch: October 4, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Latest Northern news.by special Express. We continue to extract from our Northern files such items as may prove of interest to our readers. From the Upper Potomac.[Correspondence National Intelligencer of 24th.] Darnestown, Sept. 23, 1861. --A tragical occurrence was witnessed near this village yesterday in the Pennsylvania Forty sixth, Col. Knipe, on their way to join Gen. Banks's column. In the regiment is a company composed principally of Irishmen, who have given the commander much trouble. When near Muddy Run two of the men got engaged in a fight, and one of them, named Lanahan, of company I, a very bad character, was, by order of Major Arnold C. Lewis, tied to the rear of a baggage wagon. After proceeding about a mile it was reported to Major Lewis that Lanahan was at large with a loaded gun in his hand. The Major, accompanied by Assistant Surgeon W. Charles Rogers, rode towards Lanahan, and ordered him to give up the gun. Lanahan refused; and while the Major
Appointment. --Edward A. Banks, Esq., one of the editors of the Montgomery Confederation, has been appointed an Assistant Commissary in the army, and is detailed to Manassas.