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The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James W. T. Banks or search for James W. T. Banks in all documents.

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since, in which an allusion was made to a law suit concerning that institution. A gentleman writing from Portsmouth, sends us the following correction of the statement: The suit at law referred to was not instituted against "the parties who purchased" the property. It was not necessary to coerce them. They have been anxious to make payment. The tender of it has been refused. A large portion, if not all, or indeed more than all the purchased money has been on deposit in our Savings Banks at 5 per cent., while they are required to pay on their bond 6 per cent. The truth is, the trustees (Messrs. Mallory and Hendren,) instituted the suit for their own protection. "The resident trustees" did not have the wisdom to manage the affairs of the concern in such a manner as to save it from failure and complication. Such a complication existed as required the wisdom and the authority of the Court to secure an adjustment of the claims and decree an equitable and legal distributio
John F. Stagg, D. J. B. Reeve, Chas. Ellis, Geo. Bender, J. H. Whiteford, Joseph Bucker, Jacob Beck, Wm. Schell, H. J. Smith, Thos.Howard, Thos.Whitworth, G. Townsend, Patrick Shay, Pat. Kane, Robt. Chandler, Peter Doyle, Chas. H. Moore, Jas. M. Macon, Jr., Philip Haxall, Chas. R. Skinker, E. M. Alfriend, Wm. H. Palmer, Ro. P. Pulliam, L. Sutter, W. B. Church, John Appleyard, Geo. L. Bidgood, E. G. Higginbotham, E. W. Blackburn, Jas. W. T. Banks, S. N. Davis, P. A. Blackburn, O. Jennings Wise, John A. Belvin, Chas. L. Hobson, E. G. Rawlings, D. T. Williams, P. A. Wellford, Wm. M. Sutton, R. H. Lorton, Jno. s. Blanton, N. M. Lee, A. Smith, Ash Levy, J. H. Chamberlayne, G. H. Baughman, S. M. Etting, J. Thompson Brown, David N. Walker, Shirley King, Nat. Tyler, Sol. A. Myers. T. Marshall Hewitt, Thos. Boudar, Hector Davis, Benj. Davis, Geo. Baughman, Jr., Thos. M. Jones, C.