Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for N. P. Banks or search for N. P. Banks in all documents.

Your search returned 7 results in 2 document sections:

irst.--All Operatives employed in the manufacture of Arms. Ammunition, and other Munitions of War, and of Woolen Goods for the Troys, and the per one superintending such Operatives, whether the manufacture before the Confederate or for the State of Virginia. Employees of the Southern Express Company. In each case one person or persons employed must obtain the certificate of the Military Officer or Department him or them before the exemption will be allowed. Second--All officers of Banks and their Branches who shall be certified by the President thereof to be necessary for carrying on the operations of the institution. Third--Overseers of Farms, who shall produce the certificate of their employer or other authorized agent, that they are so employed. Fourth.--All Millers necessarily and personally employed in any Grist Mill, upon the production of a certificate of their being so employed, by some Justice of the Peace of their county or corporation. Fifth.--The
Details of war News. Proclamation of Gen. Banks.Terrible explosion at Washington. the St. Nicholas affair. &c., &c., &c. We received yesterday afternoon a copy n, and we therefore do not regard everything it says as entirely correct: Gen. Banks' Proclamation. Hdqrs. Department of Annapolis, July 10, 1861. By virtprosperity of the city, and the honor and perpetuity of the United States. N. P. Banks, Major General Commanding the Department of Annapolis. Headquarters Deamong their men, and to repress dissipation and immorality." By order of Maj. Gen. Banks. Robt. Williams, Ass't. Adj't. Gen. The St. Nicholas affair — anoths ready for immediate service. She proceeded directly to Fort McHenry, where Gen. Banks had in readiness an armament of two 24 pounders, an artillery company, an inf H. Maury & Co., of Richmond. Seizure of steamers by the Government. Gen. Banks, acting under the direction of the authorities at Washington, yesterday seize