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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 22 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.10 (search)
ant Thomas H. Durham,* Privates James Farrar, H. C. Fergusson,* C. W. Gentry, B. H. Hord, W. T. Kendrick, C. A. Redford, T. S. Rogers, A. Jeff Vaughan, Robert R. Walthall, William H. Martin, Sergeant William H. Dean; prisoners, Sergeant George W. Ball, Privates J. Rosser Atkisson, B. F. Ashby and A. Haskins. Company H—Captain A. J. Vatkins, Lieutenant E. W. Martin, P. C. Cabell, Sergeant T. R. Martin, Corporal R. N. Dunn, W. H. Duerson, Privates W. B. Mosby,* J. H. Daniel, W. N. Anderson,* Sol. Banks,* R. E. Dignun,* F. Faison,* E. Fizer,* W. R. Kilby,* Thomas Maring, J. J. Sinnott, S. Smith, W. C. Hite;* prisoners, Privates Mat. Lloyd and Robert Lloyd. Company I—Sergeant W. F. Terry, Corporal C. L. Parker,* Corporal J. T. Ayres,*Corporal T. E. Traylor, Privates R. O. Meredith,* G. W. Shumaker,* S. S. Neal,* C. A. Wilkes* and C. H. Chappell,* Sergeants John T. Crew, E. C. Goodson, and W. T. White, and Privates S. Clarke and W. C. Taliaferro. Killed and died of wounds, twenty-thre
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
finger pointing towards heaven and his lips quivering: Push forward, men! Push forward! He was devoted to his men and always gave them generous praise for heroism. He was a strict disciplinarian, and would not tolerate disobedience of orders by any one. General Jackson's campaign in the Shenandoah Valley in the spring of 1862 was a series of brilliant victories, which has no equal in war. Within a period of five weeks he defeated General Fremont, at the battle of McDowell; General Banks, near Winchester; General Shields, at Port Republic, and General Fremont again, at Cross Keys. In each battle Jackson's opponent had double the force he commanded. The design of the Union generals was to concentrate their forces and crush Jackson by their overwhelming numbers, but Jackson's superior strategy of keeping them separated, retreating and advancing at will, and attacking them in detail at places which he desired, proved that he was a great master of the art of war. His me
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Gettysburg, [from the times-dispatch, April 10, 1904.] (search)
of battle, rushed forward, scaled the wall, and cried: Boys, give them the cold steel! By this time, the Federal hosts lapped around both flanks and made a counter advance in their front, and the remnant of those three little brigades melted away. Armistead himself had fallen, mortally wounded, under the guns he had captured, while the few who followed him over the fence were either dead or wounded. The charge was over, the sacrifice had been made, but, in the words of a Federal officer: Banks of heroes they were; they fled not, but amidst that still continuous and terrible fire they slowly, sullenly recrossed the plain—all that was left of them—but few of the five thousand. Where was Pickett. When the advance commenced General Pickett rode up and down in rear of Kemper and Garnett, and in this position he continued as long as there was opportunity of observing him. When the assault became so fierce that he had to superintend the whole line, I am sure he was in his proper
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steel breast plates (search)
Steel breast plates As defensive Armors worn by Federal soldiers in the war between the States, 1861-5. It is in evidence that breast plates of steel were extensively worn by Federal soldiers in the War of 1861-5 as defensive armor. In the memorable retreat before Jackson by Banks from Winchester, in May, 1862, which gained for him in supplies abandoned by him and sorely needed by the Confederates, the cheerful tribute of Jackson's Commissary, the editor, then of the foot cavalry, saw in the deserted camp of the enemy, on both sides of the road leading from Winchester, a number of examples of the vest armor of thin plates of steel covered with blue cloth in vest fashion, which had been thrown away in flight by the Federal soldiers. They were of the style of those secondly described in the following article, which appeared in the Times-Dispatch of July 31st, 1904. Two instances of the use of such armor are given by John W. Munson in his Recollections of a Mosby Guer
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
his army of 150,000. Stonewall Jackson led the advance across the Rapidan, and met a corps of Pope's army, under General Banks, at Cedar mountain, a point about nine miles south of Culpeper Courthouse, where he defeated Banks, driving him backBanks, driving him back to Culpeper, with a loss of 2,000 men, while the Confederate loss was about 1,300. Jackson remained in front of Culpeper a few days, then fell back to Gordonsville, unwilling to hazard an attack from Pope's superior force, which was rapidly advanc with Longstreet and the two Hills, and joined Jackson at Raccoon ford, on the Rapidan river, August 20. The defeat of Banks raised in the minds of the Washington government serious apprehensions for the safety of the city, and every available mant, bewildered by General Lee's manoeuvers, halted between conflicting opinions for some days. But when Jackson defeated Banks at Cedar mountain, on August 9th, the liveliest apprehensions were created in Washington, and General Halleck ordered McC
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Feb. 3, to March 6, 1864 [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, July 27, 1904.] (search)
including General W. Sooy Smith's command from middle Tennessee (about 40,000 effectives). With this large force and the great Mississippi gunboat and ironclad fleets operating with these troops, a diversion was to be made on Mobile Ala., by General Banks and Admiral Farragut. An expedition was also to ascend the Yazoo river from Snyder's Mill, consisting of five gunboats and five transports with several regiments of infantry. As stated, Generals Pemberton's and Gardner's Confederate forcehad drawn a part of the Mobile garrison to Meridian as a re-enforcement, but considering Mobile as the most important place in his department, and fearing that Sherman would move towards Mobile instead of Meridian to meet Admiral Farragut and General Banks, he ordered General Lee on February 9 to move all his cavary from the rear and the north of Sherman's line of march to the south, to protect the Mobile and Ohio railroad, so that he could return the troops he got from Mobile, and could also b
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Adams, Charles Francis, 114. Alabama, Losses inflicted by the cruiser, 115. Allen, Governor H. W., 366; Proposed to arm the slaves, 370. Allen, Colonel James W., 174. Appomattox Courthouse, Details of the surrender, at 355; the flag of truce, 369; stands of arms surendered, at 363. Armistead, killed, General L. A., 34. Ashe, Captain S. A., 320. Assumption Bill, The, 15. Baldwin, Colonel John B., 175. Banks, Defeat of General, 252. Bate, General W. B., 132. Beall, Captain John Yates, Execution of, 124, 131. Beauregard, General G. T., 123. Belmont, Battle of, 125. Benjamin, J. P., 107; after the war in England, 170; his estimate of Gladstone and D'Israeli, 171. Bentonville, Battle of, 295. Berkeley, Colonel Edmund, 223. Bethel, Battle of, 289. Beverley, Road to, 10. Blockading, Confederate, insufficient, 111; private, 114. Bloody Angle, The, 200. Booth, J. W., Why he shot Lincoln, 99. Bragg, General Braxton,
Civilians discharged. --Special Commissioner Lyons examined and discharged, on Saturday, Henry Bagby, R. H. Kinney, Frank Smyth, Hezekiah Kelley, Solomon Banks, and Thomas Alexander, all of whom had been arrested on suspicion of disloyalty to the Confederate Government.