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Your search returned 436 results in 52 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Self-made Nobility. (search)
Condition of Virginia Banks.
Bank of the Old Dominion, Alexandria, Va., Oct. 19, 1860. Hon. e from State of Virginia1,030.46182.96
Due by Banks and Bankers16,194.0324,195.79
Notes and Check Bks. in the State.17,416.168,762.28
Notes of Banks out of the State130.0085.00
Coin40,390.4251,4 0
Capital Stock$403,900.00$403,900.00
Due to Banks and Bankers.59,249.3928,949.78
Individual Dep eposits84,377.53
due to other Banks and Bankers8,171.16
Asse Outstanding debt148,316.26
Notes of other Virginia Banks9,814.00
Foreign Bank Notes470.00
Stocks, &c.537.29
Due from other Banks and Bankers24,335.74
We, the un .00
Bills protested1,431.981,884.66
Due from Banks, &c.15,455.164,666.82
Cash on hand — Specie25 of this Bank16,837.6031,221.00
Notes of other Banks in this State1,613.002,978.00
In Checks261.30 3,041.863,975.66
Due to Banks, &c.25,106.3014,580.41
Notes of this Bank on
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Self-made Nobility. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fatal accident. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fall of a Church Steeple in New Haven. (search)
Condition of Virginia Banks.Exchange Bank,Norfolk,Oct. 22d, 1860.
His Excellency John Letcher, Gov. of Virginia:
Sir: I enclose herewith a statement of the 00 78
stocks, &c95,007 0090,936 56
Specie435,210 23356,255 41
Notes of other Banks in Virginia152,190 90174,658 68
Notes of Banks out of the State14 404 4725 519Banks out of the State14 404 4725 519 24
due by other Banks81,229 3892,783 58
Real estate174,376 62179,532 45
in transitu, Bank and Branches31,121 0434,014 91
$6,142,276 24$6,022 359 71
Capital stoBanks81,229 3892,783 58
Real estate174,376 62179,532 45
in transitu, Bank and Branches31,121 0434,014 91
$6,142,276 24$6,022 359 71
Capital stock$3,088,600 00$3,137,160 00
circulation1,437,369 501,259,933 00
Deposits1,156,409 481,168,713 17
due to other Banks170,323 83180,853 43
Contingent Fund205,211 4Banks170,323 83180,853 43
Contingent Fund205,211 48192 049 60
profits of the Institution84,361 9583,701 51
$6,146,279 24$6,022,350 71
Tabular statement Exchange Bank of Virginia
Quarter ending 29th Septe 894 560
one hundreds576,000
$2,726,394 00
Notes of other Banks:
in the State$174,658 68
out of the State25 519 24
value of Real es
The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Free Negroes leaving Charleston . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], The clerical suicide. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley 's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
Condition of Virginia Banks.
Bank of Virginia. Richmond, January 11th, 1861. Sir:
I beg leave to hand you herewith the accompanying quarterly statement, ls 58.54
Notes of other Banks in Virginia365,574.05245,326.96
Notes of Banks out of the State9,217.0011,995.Banks out of the State9,217.0011,995.84
Due by other Banks235,562.53575,781.82
Real Estate178,555.33179,054.55
Treasurer's Special Deposit in Bank notes. $297,121.10
In transit between Bank and BranBanks235,562.53575,781.82
Real Estate178,555.33179,054.55
Treasurer's Special Deposit in Bank notes. $297,121.10
In transit between Bank and Branches13,658.6200.00
Loss by robbery at Portsmouth office in $100 notes18,900.0018,900.00
Capital Stock$2,651,250.00$2,651,250.00
Circu e Institution since 1st December at the Branches9,685.9812,758.02
Due to other Banks188,296.51190,299.70
In transit between Bank and Branches 3,268.54
Treasurer's Dec.--Circulation981,639.83
1st Jan.--Circulation1,058,228.83
Notes of other Banks:
In the State365,574.05
Out of the State 9,217.00
Value of Real Estate178,55