Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia Banks or search for Virginia Banks in all documents.

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dry citizens of Randolph and Pocahontas counties, for a further appropriation to the Huttonsville and Huntersville Turnpike road, and a petition for compensating Patrick Raferty and others, for work done on the Gilmer and Ritchie Turnpike. Bills Passed.--A bill to provide more efficient police regulations at the poor-houses in this Commonwealth; a bill to incorporate the Hughes' Creek Oil and Coal Company; a bill to incorporate the Ambler Oil and Coal Company; a bill to incorporate the Fayette Oil and Coal Company; a bill authorizing the Virginia Central Railroad Company to construct a branch from some point on said road to the town of Lexington, in Rockbridge county, the funds for the construction of the road to be obtained by new subscription from citizens interested. A message was received from the House, announcing the passage of a bill for the relief of the Banks of this Commonwealth. Referred to Committee on Banks. On motion of Mr. Newton, the Senate adjourned.
Nothing more is demanded relative to the Pennsylvania resolutions than lay them on the table. The suggestions of Mr. Collier were approved by the gentlemen, (Messrs. Christian and Duckwall) and accepted in lieu of their motions, and as such were adopted by the House. The Tennessee resolutions were referred to the Committee on State and Federal Relations. General Business.--An adverse report to amending the charter of the Magnolia Bank, at Morgantown, was referred to the Committee on Banks. The Committee on Military Affairs, who had under consideration the petition of citizens of the county of Surry for the formation of a Volunteer Rifle Company, with less than the minimum number now allowed by law, reported a resolution rejecting said petition. The Committee on Schools and Colleges returned an adverse report on the proposition of paying, for tuition of certain indigent children in Richmond county, a sum of money exceeding the quota assigned to the School Fund.
Condition of Virginia Banks. Southwestern Bank of Virginia, "Wytheville" Jan. 16, 1861. John Letcher, Esq., Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir --I herewith transmit a statement of the condils00.0000.00 Virginia State stock130,000.00191,700.00 specie29,721.2330,904.06 notes of other Banks in Va2,756.001,500.00 notes of Banks out of the State00.004,138.00 due by other Banks9,276.441Banks out of the State00.004,138.00 due by other Banks9,276.4415,133.37 Real estate00.0000.00 Bank furniture and fixtures1,670.001,670.00 Loans to the Commonwealth00.0000.00 $273,181.99$387,961.23 Capital stock$109,900.00$161,300.00 circulation91,325.00142Banks9,276.4415,133.37 Real estate00.0000.00 Bank furniture and fixtures1,670.001,670.00 Loans to the Commonwealth00.0000.00 $273,181.99$387,961.23 Capital stock$109,900.00$161,300.00 circulation91,325.00142,120.00 Deposits60,018.9558,205.00 due to other Banks274.765,413.96 surplus and contingent fund5,563.018,599.07 Profits of the institution6,100.2712,323.20 $273,181.99$287,961.23 DenomiBanks274.765,413.96 surplus and contingent fund5,563.018,599.07 Profits of the institution6,100.2712,323.20 $273,181.99$287,961.23 Denominations of notes, 5g and 10g.Dealings in Exchange during the Quarter: Amount bought at from 0 to 3 per cent$28,138.96 Amount sold at from ½ to 6 per cent18,636.65 The undersigned, Directors o
iscounted69,102.0869,389.89 notes discounted68,039.3576,618.53 notes of other Banks in Virginia6,223.006,982.00 notes of Banks of other States00.00715.00 due from other Banks25,112.6418,627.85 Real estate and office fixtures4,500.004,500.00 specie15,282.0914,132.31 Checks on other Banks192.50799.07 Coupons00.00653.50 $3Banks192.50799.07 Coupons00.00653.50 $308,847.98$306,622.15 Capital stock$113,000.00$113,000.00 circulation74,365.0066,260.00 Deposits94,100.49108,306.70 due other Banks23,980.9912,203.02 contingent Banks23,980.9912,203.02 contingent fund3,401.503,214.22 Discount and interest account3,711.183,638.21 $308,847.98$306,622.15 Bank of Winchester. quarter Edn'gJan. 1, 1860.>Quarter End'g Ja Specie15,282.0914,132.31 Circulation74,365.0066,260.00 Notes of other Banks in the State6,223.006,982.00 Notes of other Banks out of the State000.00715.00Banks out of the State000.00715.00 Value of Real Estate4,500.004,500.00 Contingent Fund3,401.503,214.22 Deposits94,100.49108,306.70 Loans to Directors925.00875.00 We, the undersigned, Direc
ills receivable, Loans to Directors14,125.0019,653.42 bills receivable, Loan to others, (all inland)109,298.9090,789.36 bills protested2,842.901,207.65 due from Banks, &c.7,628.9115,384.72 interest on guaranteed bonds unpaid00.00537.00 Cash — in specie25,978.2829,648.12 specie fund, being int. Due f'm the Commonwealth4,335.2500.00 notes of this Bank4,547.0023,743.00 notes of other Banks and C'ks6,347.7515,592.31 $340,771.19$351,877.93 Liabilities: Capital Stock$150,000.00$139,600.00 Notes of this Bank in Circulation144,285.00115,857.00 Notes of this Bank on hand4,547.0023,743.00 Deposits, including certificates5,778.6241,644.94 Contingent Fund8,924.369,687.96 Discount and Interest5,522.948,004.09 Due to Banks, etc21,715.2713,340.94 $340,771.19$351,877.93 Condition Of This Bank:Nov. 1.Dec. 1. State Stock$153,908.35$149,308.35 Liabilities313,672.18301,913.71 Assets313,672.16301,913.71 Discounts108,987.07106,576.21 Loans to Directors14,827.2514,467.25 Spe
stocks authorized to be used as Capital312,402.86335,402.86 Real Estate8,428.205,424.70 Coin46,218.7342,622.04 circulation230,272.00204,800.00 notes of other Banks8,652.003,691.00 Deposits46,469.31107,080.70 Discounts323,459.31376,358.18 Loans to Directors18,500.0010,050.00 Debts due to Banks4,827.9125,064.20 Debts due fBanks4,827.9125,064.20 Debts due from Banks18,565.6615,406.48 bad Debts0000 Doubtful Debts (in suit)5,871.354,156.51 Exchanges — bought171,902.13171,416.52 sold167,383.02167,156.99 dividends13,209.0015,622.50 contingent Fund27,312.3227,462.32 circulation — Denomination of notes: Fives$42,875.0049,010.00 Tens102,180.00110,810.00 Twenties103,820.001Banks18,565.6615,406.48 bad Debts0000 Doubtful Debts (in suit)5,871.354,156.51 Exchanges — bought171,902.13171,416.52 sold167,383.02167,156.99 dividends13,209.0015,622.50 contingent Fund27,312.3227,462.32 circulation — Denomination of notes: Fives$42,875.0049,010.00 Tens102,180.00110,810.00 Twenties103,820.00111,440.00 Fifties10,300.0012,500.00 One Hundreds19,300.0022,400.00 Odds10,370.002,410.00 $288,848.00$308,370.00 On hand58,576.00103,570.00 $230,272.00$204,400.00 C. R. Slaughter, Henry O. Schofield, Jos. H. Wilson, Martin Hollins, John Clark, J. V. Knight, Samuel McCORKLE, Geo. M. Rucker,