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s indefinite postponement. The House refused so to do, and, the vote being taken, the bill passed. Covington and Ohio Railroad.--On motion of Mr. Chapman, the rules were suspended, and the House took up and considered the bill for the partial suspension of the sale of State bonds, and to provide for complying with contracts already made upon the Covington and Ohio Railroad, which, being on its second reading, was made the order of the day for to-morrow at 12 o'clock. Re-chartering Banks.--On motion of Mr. Seddon, the house took up the bill to extend the charter of the Bank of Virginia for twenty years. Being on its third reading, it was passed. Similar bills were passed in reference to the Farmers' Bank, Bank of the Valley, Exchange Bank of Virginia, Northwestern Bank of Virginia, Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling, and others. On motion of Mr. Haymond, House bill extending the charter of the Central Bank of Virginia was taken up, read a second time, and order
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Standing armies and navies of the world (search)
The Legislature. The Senate yesterday disagreed to the first House amendment to Senate bill establishing a Southern Express Company, and agreed to the second. A bill was reported authorizing the Governor to pardon and restore to his owner a condemned slave, and for the sale of a portion of the Armory grounds, to provide quarters for the Public Guard and a depot for arms. The tax bill was amended and debated, and finally laid on the table. The House passed bills authorizing the State Treasurer to destroy certain Bank notes; rechartering certain Banks; two acts of incorporation; and the bill for increasing and rearranging the Division and Brigade Districts of the State. The bill concerning the Covington and Ohio Railroad was made the order for to-day at 12 o'clock. A resolution was adopted for final adjournment on the first of April, with the consent of the Senate.
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Standing armies and navies of the world (search)
Condition of Virginia Banks. Northwestern Bank of Virginia, Wheeling, Va. Feb. 27, 1861. His Excellency John Letcher: I here with enclose the quarterly return of this Bank and Branches. Very resp'y, yours, J. C. Campbell, President.
Real Estate145,869 92128,735 42 notes of Virginia Banks60,510 0029,407 00 notes of other Banks, CBanks, Checks, &c31,939 4338,350 82 due by other Banks and Bankers102,321 2184,571 22 coin162,216 09143,8Banks and Bankers102,321 2184,571 22 coin162,216 09143,819 30 $1,110,243 41$1,965, 362 28 capital$868,100 00$868,100 00 circulation834,973 00679,523 00 Deposits228,023 46287,488 72 due to other Banks and Bankers54,513,1250,380 99 contingent Fund63,ding circulation, Deposits, am'ts due to other Banks and Bankers, and liabilities in transit$1,202, debt, Bills of exchange, amounts due by other Banks and Bankers, Bank notes, checks, and certificates of deposit held against other Banks and Bankers, and assets in transit1,766,778 651,790,821 62 ng circulation, deposits, amounts due to other Banks and Bankers, and liabilities in transit$1,216, debt, bills of exchange, amounts due by other Banks and Bankers bank notes, checks and certificates of deposits held against other Banks and Bankers, and assets in transit$1,834,810 44$1,746,146,14