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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 10, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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New-Orleans, La.--A Mr. Matthews, who got through the rebel lines into Gen. Banks's department, says that at Shreveport, La., a tavern-keeper's wife assured him that Mr. Lincoln kept himself shut up in an iron cage, and did not allow any one but Mrs. Lincoln and Mr. Seward to see him-because he was afraid of being killed. --Detroit Advertiser.
8. Epigram. Whilst Butler plays his silly pranks, And closes up New-Orleans banks, Our Stonewall Jackson, with more cunning, Keeps Yankee Banks forever running. --Charleston Mercury.
eived and was answered, allowing us four hours to bury our dead. The cessation of hostilities consequent to the removal of our dead and wounded, gave the sharp-shooters and pickets an opportunity to converse with each other. The conversation was opened by our pickets, by asking: How far it was to Vicksburgh? Rebel Picket--So far that you'll never git thar. Federal--How many men you got? Rebel--Enough to clean you out. One rebel, who seemed to be somewhat of a stumper, said that Banks had been whipped out at Port Hudson; that Memphis had been retaken, and that the Yankees would not take Vicksburgh till hell froze over. A thousand questions were asked, and all answered in the same defiant way. While this interesting parley was going on, the wounded and dead were removed. In a very short time the field was cleared, and every thing was again quiet on the lines. The camps were soon astir again; orderlies and aids were galloping to and from the various division and bri
Epigram. Whilst Butler plays his silly pranks, And closes up New Orleans banks, Our Stonewall Jackson with more conning, Keeps Yankee Banks forever running.