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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 23, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Banks or search for Banks in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: October 23, 1863., [Electronic resource],
From New Orleans--(search)Gen. Banks .
From New Orleans--Gen. Banks.
--A lady has just reached Mobile from New Orleans, from which she was banished by the order of that chivalrous Boston hero, Gen. Banks.
Her offence was a grave one in the Yankee calendar.
She laughed on the balcony of her own house with another friend, and Gen. Banks happened to be walking by at the time in company with Gen. Grant, and Banks thought she must be laughing at him; and theBanks thought she must be laughing at him; and the insult was deepened, as he said, because he was "accompanied by his illustrious friend, Gen. Grant."
The truth was, the lady did not know that Gen. Banks and "the illustrious" were within sight or earshot, and was not even thinking of him. These assurances were made to his off and all the in mates kept prisoners for three weeks. The dignity of Banks demanded atonement, and he banished the lady from his lines, and ga n as to health and appearance than the ragged and dirty soldiers of Banks.
The Port Hudson prisoners are well treated, and have the run