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r troops in position on the Maryland side, and Banks's command, near Harper's Ferry, was so distantPatterson, and continued with his successor, Gen. Banks, a letter from Sandy Hook, under date of thehdrawal from this command, on the arrival of Gen. Banks I consented to remain, and had myself assignpresent of 76,415 of all arms. This comprised Banks's command near Harper's Ferry and above, and Sthese accounts, the effective force, including Banks's and Stone's, is reduced to 58,680 officers athe fact — I would not have hesitated to throw Banks on Winchester with 15,000 men, to act on the lumed command of the Division of the Potomac, Gen. Banks had just been relieved by Gen. Dix in the cotment of the Shenandoah. On the 1st of Aug. Gen. Banks's headquarters were at Sandy Hook, in the imac between the Great Falls and the limits of Gen. Banks's command. On the 2d of Aug. the seven regiof the Army of the Potomac--the troops under Gen. Banks were organized as a division. Aug. 28, 18
Gen. Scott is at last opening his eyes to the fact that I am right and that we are in imminent danger. Providence is aiding me by heavy rains, which are swelling the Potomac, which may be impassable for a week; if so we are saved. If Beauregard comes down upon us soon I have everything ready to make a manoeuvre which will be decisive. Give me two weeks and I will defy Beauregard; in a week the chances will be at least even. Aug. 18. My command is at last extended, so that I take in Banks in the Shenandoah and Dix at Baltimore. . . . The true reason why I did not bring you here was that I did not deem it safe. We may have to fight a battle under the defences of Washington within a week, and I did not care to have you exposed to the chances. If Beauregard does not attack within two days he has lost every chance of success. If by the time you receive this letter you have not heard of a battle through the telegraph you may be easy and contented. Aug. 19. . . If this we
n inroad in any form into Maryland rendered it necessary to be constantly on the alert and take every precaution to prevent a crossing of the river. As soon as Gen. Banks came under my command, Aug. 20, 1861, I directed him to cross to the eastern bank of the Monocacy, leaving one regiment to observe the Potomac above Harper's Fend the other important points (supported by Casey's provisional brigades), the reserve artillery and the cavalry depots; while Stone's division at Poolesville, and Banks's division at Darnestown, observed the upper river and were in position to retire upon Washington if attacked by superior forces. Hooker was in the vicinity of Bun of this force is more than sufficient to resist with certain success any attacks on our works upon the other side of the river. By calling in the commands of Gens. Banks and Stone it will probably be sufficient to defend the city of Washington from whatever direction it may be assailed. It is well understood that, although the
rs, and, as several had only 4 guns, there were not more than 140 guns in all, and of these the rifled guns composed a good deal more than two-thirds. Including Banks and Dix, there were 33 batteries, of which 19 regulars and 14 volunteers, making not over 168 guns in all, to a force of 143,647 present on Oct. 15, and out of theion only enough for the necessary duty; also to form a general cavalry reserve. On the 15th of Oct. there were serving with the Army of the Potomac, including General Banks's command, one regiment and two companies of regular cavalry, and eleven regiments of volunteer cavalry. When the army took the field there were on its rolls here went to the Peninsula the regulars and four regiments and five companies of volunteers, making eight regiments and seven companies; and there remained with Gen. Banks and at Washington twenty-one regiments, besides the four unprovided with horses. Circumstances beyond my control rendered it impossible for me to carry out my
as a measure of undoubted military necessity. On the 10th of Sept. Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, instructed Gen. Banks to prevent the passage of any act of secession by the Maryland legislature, directing him to arrest all or any number ois discretion. (Signed) William H. Seward. To carry out these instructions the necessary orders were issued to Gens. Banks, Stone, and Hooker. I give a copy of the order issued to Gen. Banks; the others were the same, mutatis mutandis: Gen. Banks; the others were the same, mutatis mutandis: headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Oct. 29, 1861. To Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks, Commanding Division at Muddy Branch, Md.: general: There is an apprehension among Union citizens in many parts of Maryland of an attempt at interference with the rights Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks, Commanding Division at Muddy Branch, Md.: general: There is an apprehension among Union citizens in many parts of Maryland of an attempt at interference with the rights of suffrage by disunion citizens on the occasion of the election to take place on the 6th of Nov. next. In order to prevent this the major-general commanding directs that you send detachments of a sufficient number of men to the different points in
27. . . . Went to a grave consultation at Secretary Chase's in regard to the reopening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. . . . After the review of the regulars I went down to the river to see the volunteer pontoniers throw a bridge-train. I went through the usual routine of being presented to an infinite number of ladies. Made a close inspection of the camp and of the men, and then returned. Nov. 30, 1861. I was hard at work until half-past 4, when I came back to dinner. Gen. Banks dined with me. When he left I had several business calls. At eight all the officers of the 4th Infantry, just returned from California, came to pay their respects. When they left I went to Com. Goldsborough, where he, Fox, Prof. Bache, and myself remained in serious consultation about naval and military movements until after midnight. Sandy Hook, near Harper's Ferry, Monday A. M., Feb. 27, 1862. . . . Here I still am. I crossed the river as soon as the bridge was finished, and wat
20th, I received the following telegram from Gen. Banks's Headquarters: Darnestown, Oct. 20, 1erry, Oct. 21, 1861, 6 P. M. Have called on Banks for a brigade, and he has ordered up Hamilton' possession. The orders I had already sent to Banks seemed best adapted to the case, as the event anding P. S. Change the disposition of Gen. Banks's division, if you think it necessary, so asnduct of the War furnish further details. Gen. Banks's division deserves great credit for its rapls into Hancock, doing little or no damage. Gen. Banks sent reinforcements to Hancock under Gen. Wisirable but not vital purpose. The whole of Banks's division and two brigades of Sedgwick's diviry up the other two, belonging respectively to Banks's and Sedgwick's divisions. The difficulty ofplease occupy Bunker Hill and communicate with Banks at Charlestown. Scout well towards Winchester well-armed fortifications, and the command of Banks, then in the Shenandoah Valley, and to throw t[8 more...]
be strongly entrenched, using the enemy's works as far as possible, and that Gen. Banks should put the mass of his forces there, with grand guards at Warrenton or Warred meanwhile, I temporarily changed the arrangements to the extent of leaving Banks in the Shenandoah. I placed Abercrombie in command at Warrenton and Manassas, under Banks's general orders, with 7,780 men at the former and 10,859 men at the latter place, and 18,000 men in Washington so that if Abercrombie was obliged to retcentrated there 36,639 men, besides 1,350 on the lower Potomac and 35,467 under Banks in the Shenandoah. In the event of an advance of the enemy in force in the Shenandoah Valley, Banks could have withdrawn to his aid at least 10,000 men from Abercrombie's command, or, in the reverse case, could hare gone to the latter's assi 4th of April the Valley of the Shenandoah was formed into a department under Gen. Banks, while the Department of the Rappahannock was constituted for McDowell. This
1862, shows men present for duty171,602 Deduct 1st corps, infantry and artillery,32,119  Deduct Blenker,8,616  Deduct Banks,21,739  Deduct Wadsworth,19,318  Deduct Cavalry of 1st corps, etc.,1,600  Deduct Cavalry of Blenker,800  Van Alen anddition? The State of Virginia is made to constitute the command, in part or wholly, of some six generals, viz.: Fremont, Banks, McDowell, Wool, Burnside, and McClellan, besides the scrap, over the Chesapeake, in the care of Dix. The great battleft for the defence of Washington and Manassas Junction, and part of this even was to go to Gen. Hooker's old position. Gen. Banks's corps, once designed for Manassas Junction, was diverted and tied up on the line of Winchester and Strasburg, and cous precisely this that drove me to detain McDowell. I do not forget that I was satisfied with your arrangement to leave Banks at Manassas Junction; but when that arrangement was broken up, and nothing was substituted for it, of course I was constr<
lellan. Washington, April 18. To Gen. G. B. McClellan: Your despatch of this morning received and communicated to the President. He directs me to ask you whether the indications do not show that they are inclined to take the offensive. Banks has moved to Mount Jackson yesterday, and to New Market to-day; has taken some locomotives and prisoners. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War headquarters, Army of the Potomac, April 18, 10 P. M. Hon. E. M Stanton, Secretary of War: Despe enemy may make. He will do nothing more than sorties. I beg that the President will be satisfied that the enemy cannot gain anything by attacking me; the more he does attack the better I shall be contented. All is well. I am glad to hear of Banks's good-fortune. G. B. McClellan, Maj.-Gen. Confidential. headquarters, Army of the Potomac, April 18, 11.30 P. M. His Excellency the President: If compatible with your impressions as to the security of the capital, and not interfering with o