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her employees of the Government, where such wages do not exceed $1,000 per annum. Passed. Mr. Lyons also offered a resolution to authorize the Speaker of the House to employ one page, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum. Considered and adopted. Mr. Foster, of Ala., introduced a resolution to instruct the Committee on Military Affairs to report upon the bill referred to them increasing the pay of non-commissioned officers and privates. The resolution was not agreed to. The House then, on motion of Mr. Barksdale, took up the bill to regulate the compensation of the Public Printer. It provides that in lieu of the prices heretofore paid, the Public Printer shall be allowed 30 per cent. upon the actual cost of all printing, composition, press work, ruling, and binding. The bill was passed. On motion of Mr. Lyon, of Ala., the House then went into secret session, with a view to receive the report of the committee of conference on the currency and tax bills.