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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 58 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 8, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
Davis and Toombs and Benjamin, in the Senate; Sherman and Stevens, Logan and Vallandigham, Pryor and Keitt, Bocock and Barksdale, and Smith, of Virginia, in the House. It became intensely interesting to me to observe the part some of these men plan 1860,--we all know where he was from 1861 to 1865; and glorious old Extra Billy Smith, soldier and governor by turns; Barksdale, who fell at Gettysburg, was my general, commanding the infantry brigade I knew and loved best of all in Lee's army and, for Pennington. That is; all the Democrats went wild except Vallandigham, of Ohio. He sat coolly in his seat, while Barksdale, Keitt, Houston, Logan, and the rest surged around him. When they appealed to him, with excited gesticulations, he simpran up, puffing like a porpoise, and threw his immense bulk into Vallandigham's arms, rolling him upon the floor. Poor Barksdale lost his wig in the scrimmage. In a twinkling the hero of the moment was lifted high upon the shoulders of his party f
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
Mississippi brigade, consisting of the Thirteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-first Regiments, being then, or shortly after, put under the command of General Griffith, of that State, who was killed at Savage Station in June, 1862, when Barksdale, theretofore colonel of the Thirteenth, was made brigadier-general and took command of the brigade, which bore his name up to Gettysburg, where he met his gallant death. Thereupon Colonel Humphreys, of the Twentyfirst, was promoted to the rank equally for play and for fight. The laugh, the song, the shout, the yell of the rebel charge burst indifferently from their lips; but in any and every case the volume of sound was tremendous. It was a common saying that the sick men left in Barksdale's camp, when the brigade was away on duty, made more noise than any other full brigade in the army. The only comment I have to make upon this statement is that I cannot recall ever having seen ont of them sick or ailing in any way, except when
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
ink on this 29th of June, our brigade commander, General Griffith, was killed. In a shower of projectiles turned loose upon us by an unseen foe, at least half a shell from a three-inch rifled gun lodged in his body. The marvel is he did not die instantly, but I noted a desperate clinch of his fingers and the pallor of his face as he clasped his hands back of his head after he had fallen from his horse. He was a genial and cultured gentleman and regarded as a very promising officer. Colonel Barksdale, of the Thirteenth, at once took command of the brigade, and was soon commissioned brigadier. We then crossed over to the York River Railroad, upon which we had what our men called our railroad gun, a siege piece, mounted on a flat-car with an engine back of it, the front of the car being protected by rails of track iron fastened upon an incline, the mouth of the gun projecting a little as from an embrasure. As it puffed up, a number of Federal batteries, invisible to us, opened u
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
t. True the town was occupied by armed men,--Barksdale and his men, our old brigade,--but then the nated our shore; and yet he sent word to General Barksdale that if he would just let the Howitzers awn to his strongholds across the river, and Barksdale was ordered to reoccupy the town, the Twentythe brigade toward the town, yelling as only Barksdale's men could yell. They were passing throught into Fredericksburg with a message for General Barksdale. As I was riding down the street that lhe same street I was on, and approaching General Barksdale's headquarters from the opposite directilittle excited. Won't you please say to General Barksdale that a lady at the door wishes to see him. The young man assured her General Barksdale could not possibly see her just now; but she persisnd one. She again smiled gently,--while old Barksdale fumed and almost swore,--and then she said quietly: General Barksdale, my cow has just been killed in my stable by a shell. She is very fat an[2 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army Revival in Barksdale's brigade at Fredericksburg a model chaplain personal conferences with comrades a prayer between the lines a percussion shell at Gettysburg. No account of my experiencious movement in our war and, as I believe, rarely paralleled anywhere or at any time. The religious interest among Barksdale's men began about the time of, or soon after, the battle of Fredericksburg, which was about the middle of December, 186 Says Dr. Hoge: A rich blessing had been poured upon the zealous labors of the Rev. Mr. Owen, Methodist chaplain in Barksdale's Brigade. The Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the Baptist church, Richmond, had just arrived, expecting to labor with him for so Minie ball struck his left elbow, shattering it dreadfully. He was at once carried to the field hospital, and some of Barksdale's (now Humphreys') men sent word down the line to me. As soon as our guns were disengaged I galloped to the hospital to
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 13: Chancellorsville (search)
If any of the minor characters mentioned in these reminiscences has a distinct personality every way worthy of approval and of remembrance, it is Brother William, the consecrated, courageous chaplain of the Seventeenth Mississippi, or rather of Barksdale's brigade — the real hero of the great revival at Fredericksburg. He, of course, had remained behind there, with his brigade, under the general command of Early, to watch Sedgwick. I was standing in the shade of a tree, near our guns, whicour lines was discovered under flag of truce granted him to take care of his wounded. Then he attacked with more determination and captured Marye's Heights and several pieces of artillery, but even then did not push his advantage with vigor. Barksdale seems to have been for the time separated from Early, and it was at this juncture that Mr. Owen procured the horse and galloped to Chancellorsville with his blood-curdling tale of disaster. A staff officer of General Early had, however, preced
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 19: Spottsylvania (search)
key, who seemed to have gotten his hand in, might keep up this trick of getting killed, as Barrett said, once too often. I may as well say. right here that the noble horse got safely through the war, but was captured with his master at Sailor's Creek. When our guns first entered the works, or rather were stationed on the line just back of the little trench, there seemed to be comparatively few infantrymen about. One thing that pleased us greatly was, that our old Mississippi brigade, Barksdale's, or Humphreys', was supporting us; but it must have been just the end of their brigade line, and a very thin line it was. We saw nothing of the major-general of our division. General Rodes, of Ewell's corps, was the only major-general we saw. He was a man of very striking appearance, of erect, fine figure and martial bearing. He constantly passed and repassed in rear of our guns, riding a black horse that champed his bit and tossed his head proudly, until his neck and shoulders were fl
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 21: Cold Harbor of 1864. (search)
e cup. Then he turned to me and asked my pardon for his disregard of my warning and his imprudence in getting shot, protesting still, however, that it was very hard indeed for a gentleman to walk in those filthy, abominable covered ways. The spring was perhaps the point of greatest power and pathos in all the weird drama of The lines. About this date, or very soon after, a few of us were sitting in the part of the trenches occupied by the Twenty-first Mississippi, of our old brigade,--Barksdale's, now Humphreys',--which was supporting our guns. There had been a number of Yale men in the Twenty-first--the Sims, Smiths, Brandon, Scott, and perhaps others. A good many were gone, and those of us who were left were talking of them and of good times at Old Yale, when someone said, Scott, isn't it your turn to go to the spring? Yes, said Scott, submissively, I believe it is. Pass up your canteens, and he loaded up and started out. There was a particularly exposed spot on the way to w
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
escription of, 52-58, 95 Atlanta Campaign, 300-301, 317 Atlee's Station, Va., 269-70. Atrocities, 80-81. Badeau, Adam, 304-305. Baldwin, John Brown, 31, 50 Ball's Bluff, 61-63, 234 Baltimore, Md., 240, 354 Baptists, 139 Barksdale, Thomas, 149 Barksdale, William: before the war, 26, 28-29; during the war, 64,95, 129, 131-33, 179; troops of, 26, 64- 65, 68-71, 95, 97, 128-33, 138-39, 144, 176, 179, 223, 261, 292-93. Barnes, Beau, 252-53. Barrett, ............ (orderly),Barksdale, William: before the war, 26, 28-29; during the war, 64,95, 129, 131-33, 179; troops of, 26, 64- 65, 68-71, 95, 97, 128-33, 138-39, 144, 176, 179, 223, 261, 292-93. Barnes, Beau, 252-53. Barrett, ............ (orderly), 260-61, 270 Battle fatigue, 77 Battlefield tours, 92-94, 107 Bayonets used in action, 333 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 208, 242, 274, 309 Beers, James H., 37-44, 150, 154, 181, 183 Bell, John, 25 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 26, 40 Beulah Church, Va., 270, 272 Big Bethel, Va., 44-45. Blount, ........... 321,330 Bocock, Thomas Stanhope, 26-27. Boonsborough, Md., 66 Botts, John Minor, 31-32. Bowling Green, Va., 266 Brandon, Lane William, 115, 130, 292 Bran