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The Daily Dispatch: April 21, 1862., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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brought before the Provost Marshal last Friday morning, charged with feloniously shooting at Thomas J. Beal, master carpenter of the C. S. Arsenal, in this city. Fooke is a refugee from Washington, and a clerk in the same department as Beal. It appears that the workmen employed there had united in a design to present a horse to Capt. B. G. Baldwin, their Superintendent, who was going on active shim" had been conveyed to Fooke, who thereupon armed himself with a revolver. It happened that Mr. Beal was the first one who encountered him, and a few words passed, followed by a blow from Beal, whBeal, which was replied to by Fooke with the observation that he was ready for him, and the discharge of a pistol ball at Beal, which passed over his heart, cutting off half of his nipple, tearing his breast . Godwin, but the charge of disloyalty was sustained only by vague surmises and suspicious; and Mr. Beal expressing a desire not to prosecute the matter before the Mayor, the case terminated by the di