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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 46 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1862., [Electronic resource] 14 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1861., [Electronic resource] 11 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gustave T. Beauregard or search for Gustave T. Beauregard in all documents.

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fected. We perceive that Grant's column was estimated by Federal authority at 60,000 men. How many Buell has, we are unable to say; but conjecture that his column cannot much exceed that under Gen. Grant, which included, we believe, a considerable force from Halleck's division. Whatever it be, we cannot doubt that it will meet a fate similar to that just submitted to by the 60,000 or more under Gen. Grant. We apprehend Buell will not hazard an engagement with our victorious forces under Beauregard, but will find it necessary to withdraw to some position nearer his base of operations. He is a very accomplished officer and a very cautious General. The victory at Shiloh is grand in its consequences. It is full of satisfaction to the Southern mind. The rapidity of the preparation for it — in which we find a small retreating force almost magically recruited, increased to a large army, and equipped for a grand battle with an army powerful in numbers, admirably equipped, and encour
The metal of which cannon are made --The appeal of Gen. Beauregard to the people of Tennessee to furnish metal to be cast into cannon for the Confederacy, having elicited the voluntary contributions of the patriotic men and women of the South, the following letter from Adjutant Gen. Wayne to a lady of Georgia, containing valuable information on the subject of the composition of gun metal, will be read with profit and interest: If Gen. Beauregard, in his appeal to the planters of the Gen. Beauregard, in his appeal to the planters of the Mississippi, meant anything more than to arouse their slumbering patriotism to active exertion, he wanted the tin of which their balls are partly composed. We have the copper, but for the fabrication of brodes, (commonly, but erroneously called brass guns,) we want tin. That you may understand this, I will tell you that science has determined for guns, as best, the proportions of nine pa 's of copper to one part of tin; and for bells seven or eight parts of copper to three parts of tin. By hav
Bells. --If any one is disposed to doubt the patriotism of our planters, let him visit the custom-house and examine the bells, large and small and of all kinds, sent there in response to Gen. Beauregard's appeal. Over two hundred are there, and the whole exceeding in weight twenty-two thousand pounds. This, too, it will be remembered, is but a small portion of the let sent by the planters of the South Many have been sent to other points from this State; and many have been sent from other States direct to headquarters.-- N. C. Delta.
the Confederate States, under the command of Gen. A. S. Johnston, over the Federal forces in Tennessee, on the battle field of Shiloh. Resolved, [That the thanks of Congress are eminently due, and are hereby cordially tendered, to Gen. Gustave T. Beauregard, and the officers and troops under his command, for the decisive and important victory achieved by them over the forces of the United States, on the 6th of April, in the State of Tennessee;] and all who contributed to that signal triump not know what will be the result or the next news. Mr. Yanger offered the following substitute, to ed within the ets of the resolution; which was accepted by Mr. Haynes: "That the thanks of Congress are hereby tendered to Gen. Gustave T. Beauregard and the other surviving officers and privates of that army for the signal exhibition of skill and gallantry displayed by them on that memorable occasion. Mr. Clark said no one could feel joy for the victory more keenly or sadness m
of water. The army at Columbia had crossed Duck river, and had reached Mount Pleasant on Monday, on the road leading towards Savannah, where they would probably arrive today or to-morrow. McCook and Nelson were in command of the advance. Gen Buell was bringing up the rear, and had arrived at Columbia. From Island 10--official. The following information was communicated by telegraph to the commandant at Memphis, under date of April 1st, 1862: The bombardment of Madrid Bend and Island 10 commenced on the 15th instant, and continued constantly night and day. The enemy has fired several thousand thirteen-inch and rifle shells. On the 17th a general attack with five gunboats and four mortar boats was made, which lasted 9 hours. The result of the bombardment, up to the 1st inst., is on our side one man killed, none seriously wounded, and no damage to batteries. The enemy had one gunboat disabled, and another reported sunk. [Signed] Gen. G. T. Beauregard.
ert Sidney Johnston is no more. The fate of his death is simply pattered in a dispatch just received from Colonel William Preston, in the following words: "General Johnston fell yesterday, at half-past 2 o'clock, while leading a successful charge, turning the enemy's right and gaining a brilliant victory. A Minnie ball out the artery of his leg, but he rode on till from loss of blood he fell exhausted, and died without pain in a few moments. His body has been intrusted to moby General Beauregard, to be taken to New Orleans and remain until directions are received from his family." My long and close friendship with this departed chieftain and patifot, forbid the to trust myself in giving vent to the feeling which this sad intelligence has evoked.--Without doing injustice to the living, it may safely be asserted that our loss is irreparable, and that among the shining hos of the great and the good who now cluster around the banner of our country, there exists no purer spir