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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 11: conferences after the battle of Manassas. (search)
iscountenanced it as impracticable. Very truly your friend, Thomas Jordan. To General P. G. T. Beauregard, New Orleans, La. General Beauregard, in his letter forwarding the above, wrote: General Beauregard, in his letter forwarding the above, wrote: The account given herewith by General Jordan of what occurred there respecting further pursuit that night, agrees with my own recollection. It was a matter of importance, as I regarded it, to folloe road by which the enemy retreated, toward and via Sudley's Mills. By command of Brigadier-General Beauregard. Thomas Jordan, A. A. Adjutant-General. To Brigadier Bonham. Impressed with tful people. On the night of the 22d, I held a second conference with Generals Johnston and Beauregard. All the revelations of the day were of the most satisfactory character, as to the completenethe Potomac, and to the further inquiry as to an advance to the south side of the Potomac, General Beauregard promptly stated that there were strong fortifications there, occupied by garrisons which h
them to the commendation so liberally bestowed at the time by their countrymen at large. General Johnston had been previously promoted to the highest grade in our army, and I deemed it but a fitting reward for the services rendered by General Beauregard that he should be promoted to the same grade, to which accordingly I promoted him at once. I have related how, in riding over the field of Manassas, I encountered a Federal soldier of whom it was said that, although he might have retrDavis toward all subordinates. He was approachable by all, even to the lowest in rank. The latter is given in illustration. On Monday, July 22, 1861, the day after the first battle of Manassas, it was raining very hard; President Davis, Beauregard, and Johnston were holding a council of war in a tent. A young Mr. Fauntleroy, of my company, asked me to go with him on a little matter of business, not telling me what it was. He took me in the direction of the Moss mansion, and upon reachin
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 13: responsibility for the failure to pursue. (search)
d on that occasion as a volunteer aid to General Beauregard, had stated in the House of Representatiirculated to the effect that I prevented General Beauregard from pursuing the enemy after the battlesions and with such feelings, I wrote to General Beauregard as follows: Richmond, Va., August 4, 18 an order to him to make a junction with General Beauregard as a movement left to his discretion, wieral J. E. Johnston, Winchester, Va. General Beauregard is attacked. To strike the enemy a decit the movement. Upon the receipt of General Beauregard's report of the battle of Manassas, I fotter: Richmond, Va., October 30, 1861. General Beauregard, Manassas, Va. Sir: Yesterday my attelly yours, etc. Jefferson Davis. As General Beauregard did not think it proper to omit that por is an accurate copy of the order: General Beauregard is attacked. To strike the enemy a decid Holmes should be made with the army of General Beauregard and should gain a victory. The junction[1 more...]
ough after combining the armies of Generals Johnston and Beauregard at Manassas the command of the whole would unquestionabl I could not put it aside. The fact that I treat General Beauregard in the manner due to the commander of a corps d'armen the Valley of Virginia, your army and that of General Beauregard were independent commands; when you marched to Manassas, Persons have talked here of the command of yourself and Beauregard as separate armies, and complaints have been uttered to after the battle he announced his purpose to elevate General Beauregard to the rank of General. He returned to Richmond thehis return, and was promptly confirmed by Congress. General Beauregard then became a General and ranked me unless I was suc May 16th, already referred to. Yet from the time of General Beauregard's appointment to the day of the renewed nominations rning the thanks of Congress to General Johnston, to General Beauregard, and to the officers and soldiers of the army for th
July 21. This day the battle of Bull Run, Va., was fought between the national forces under General McDowell and the rebels under Beauregard. Shortly after 5 A. M., three hours later than ordered, the national army moved from Centreville in three divisions, commanded respectively by Gens. Richardson, Tyler and Hunter. Richades (Sherman's and Keyes') of Gen. Tyler's Division stationed on the Warrenton road, were enabled to cross, and to drive the right of the enemy, commanded by Gen. Beauregard in person, from the front of the field. The contest then became severe for a position in front and to the right of Stone Bridge but to the left of the ford ays: We have been furnished with a copy of the letter of President Davis, written on the field of battle after the glorious victory at Manassas, acquainting Brig.-Gen. Beauregard of his promotion to the rank of General, the highest grade in the army of the Confederate States. This most richly deserved promotion and honor could not
July 23. All classes of citizens of Virginia are called upon to contribute their quota of forage for Beauregard's army, and with those who are forgetful of their obligations, the general says that constraint must be employed. --(Doc. 115.) The Missouri State Convention, in session at Jefferson City, passed a resolution this morning, by a vote of 65 to 21, declaring the office of President, held by Gen. Sterling Price at the last session of the Convention, as vacant. Gen. Robert Wilsed on a charge of conspiring against the Government.--National Intelligencer, July 24. Much severity is displayed against General Patterson, for not continuing the pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, and preventing his junction with General Beauregard at Manassas. General Patterson, in a letter from Harper's FeRry, says :--General Johnston retreated to Winchester, where he had thrown up extensive intrenchments and had a large number of heavy guns. I could have turned his position and a
divided into army corps, to be commanded by commanders of corps, selected according to seniority of rank, as follows: First corps, consisting of four divisions, to be commanded by Major-Gen. Sumner. Second corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Major-Gen. McDowell. Third corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. Heintzelman. Fourth corps, consisting of three divisions, to be commanded by Brig.-Gen. Keyes. Fifth--Gen. Banks's and Gen. Shields's commands, the latter late Gen. Lander's, to be a fifth corps, to be commanded by Major-Gen. Banks. Capt. Bell; of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, was promoted to Major of the Third Illinois cavalry, now in Gen. Halleck's department. Gen. Beauregard, from his headquarters at Jackson, Tenn., issued an order calling upon the planters of the South to send their plantation-bells to the nearest railroad depot, to be melted into cannon for the defence of their plantations.--(Doc. 90.)
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 13: the siege and evacuation of Fort Sumter. (search)
of supplies to Fort Sumter, was made known on the morning of the 8th. April. It produced the most intense excitement. Beauregard immediately sent the electrograph to Montgomery, already noticed, and the reply came back on the 10th, conditionally auand the surrender of Fort Sumter. See note 1, page 305. The demand will be made to-morrow at twelve o'clock, replied Beauregard. The news of this determination spread instantly over the city, and to the various camps and batteries of the insurgenions of people. Raleigh (North Carolina) Banner. At two o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the 11th of April, Beauregard sent Colonel James Chesnut, Jr., Colonel Chisholm, and Captain Stephen D. Lee, of his staff, with a letter to Major Anderson, in which he conveyed a demand for the evacuation of Fort Sumter. The original of Beauregard's letter is before me while I write. It is as follows:-- Headquarters Provisional Army, C. S. A., Charleston, S. C., April 11, 1861. Sir:--
operations before this city depended on labors peculiar to their corps, no words of mine can overrate their services. The officers thus engaged are Major John L. Smith, Captains R. E. Lee and John Sanders, First Lieutenants J. L. Mason, P. G. T. Beauregard, and I. I. Stevens, Second Lieutenants Z. B. Tower and G. W. Smith, Brevet Second Lieutenants G. B. McClellan and J. G. Foster. The obligation lies upon me also to speak of the highly meritorious deportment and valuable services of the eñon and to leave it for a considerable space in the rear. In both of these reconnoissances Lieutenant McClellan took part; and in one of them he was saved from probable death or captivity at the hands of about a dozen Mexican lancers by Lieutenant Beauregard and three dragoons. When, in consequence of the great strength of the defences at El Peñon, the project of advancing upon Mexico by the great road from Puebla, and assaulting it upon the eastern side, was abandoned, and it was determin
h is so captivating to civilians, and for the want of which so much fault has been found with our officers and soldiers in the present civil war. But the tactics in the Mexican War were founded upon and regulated by an accurate knowledge of the enemy; and the distinguished and veteran soldier who led our armies in that campaign would never have taken the risks he did had the Mexican soldiers been like those in the Southern army, and the Mexican officers men like Lee, Johnston, Jackson, and Beauregard. The public mind judges of military movements and of battles by the event: the plan that fails is a bad plan, and the successful general is the great general. Without doubt, this is a correct judgment in the long run; but in particular cases the rule could not always be applied without injustice. Hannibal was defeated by Scipio at Zama, and Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo; but it does not follow that Scipio was a greater general than Hannibal, or the Duke o
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