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The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource] 23 1 Browse Search
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Gen. Beauregard. Gen. Peter D. Beauregard, of Louisiana, who has been appointed the commanderGen. Peter D. Beauregard, of Louisiana, who has been appointed the commander of the troops in and near Charleston harbor, is the man who will have the duty of capturing Major Anderson and his command. General Beauregard won his military reputation in Mexico, where he was a cise that he had so soon performed his task. Beauregard replied that he had not touched it. The Colooncurred in their views. The silent one was Beauregard. At last Gen, Pierce crossed over and said, opinion." "I have not been called on," said Beauregard. "You shall be, however," said Pierce; and soon resuming his seat, announced that Lieutenant Beauregard had not given his opinion. Being thennumber of general officers, alluded to Lieutenant Beauregard's opinion at the Council, and the cons The position now so promptly assigned to Gen. Beauregard is a just tribute to his worth. It is a all the bright galaxy, no one could be more acceptable than our native-born Louisiana Beauregard. [2 more...]