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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 64 2 Browse Search
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to whom alone thanks were due for this blessing on our arms, he concluded amid the tumultuous applause of the assemblage, and was escorted to his hotel. At 9. 30, a large concourse of citizens and visitors having assembled before the Spotswood House, the President was again called out, and again stirred the popular heart with his eloquent recital of the brave deeds done by our troops in the late battle. He was preceded on this occasion by Col. Chesnut, of South Carolina, (an aid to Gen. Beauregard,) in a chaste and eloquent speech. This unannounced arrival of our President took the citizens by surprise. Had they known of his coming, such an ovation would have greeted his return as never before was witnessed in the Old Dominion. Just behind the train which brought the President, there arrived a second, bringing 585 Hessian prisoners, 25 of whom were commissioned officers, and 30 of Ellsworth's Fire Zouaves. Passengers by this train inform us that several hundred other pris
— some places as many as six horses lying side by side. It is supposed their loss is over 5,000 men killed and wounded, and they took somewhere near 1,000 live Yankees prisoners. Oh, they were whipped decently. They chased old Scott so close, he had to leave his coach, and lost his epaulettes; and if reports are true, he lost one of his cowardly legs. Our regiment took the famous Sherman's Battery. Well, we have taken near 50 pieces of rifled cannon, and run them clean off the field. Beauregard, of South Carolina, led our regiment. They (I mean the regiment) whipped the Ellsworth Zouaves, that much-dreaded band of ruffians. Yes, I have seen them myself — yes, more than a hundred of them, as high as six in a bunch, dead as a door nail. They had 75,000 men against us, and so sure was Scott of success, it is reported he brought up one hundred ladies from Washington to see him conquer Southerners;--(but some one got hurt.) Jeff. Davis came up here on Sunday, and was on the field h
Col. Hampton, upon having his horse shot from under him, seized a rifle, and said, Watch me, boys; do as I do. He then shot down successively several of the Federal officers who were leading their forces against him. Gen. Beauregard then came up, and said, Take that battery. Just at that moment the flag of the legion was shot down. Beauregard said, Hand it to me; let me bear the Palmetto flag. He did bear it in the fury of the fight. Col. Johnson, of the legion, was slain in the chargeBeauregard said, Hand it to me; let me bear the Palmetto flag. He did bear it in the fury of the fight. Col. Johnson, of the legion, was slain in the charge. The Hampton Legion promised to defend the flag presented to them by the ladies of the Palmetto State while one of them remained to step the field of conflict. That this promise will be sacredly redeemed, no one will doubt, when he comes to learn that of the eight hundred who went into the field on Sunday, one hundred and ten sealed their fidelity with their blood, that being the number of their killed and wounded, according to the unofficial reports.--Richmond Whig, July 24.
Richmond, Va.--It is reported here, and almost universally believed, that five full companies, attached to one of the Yankee regiments which participated in the battle at Manassas last Sunday, surrendered to Gen. Beauregard on Friday last. These men, it seems, in their haste and fright, missed the road to Arlington, and became lost in the Virginia forests near the Blue Ridge. Worn down with fatigue, famished with hunger, and despairing of ever making their way out without being discovered, they hailed one of our scouts, and requested that their condition be laid before Gen. Beauregard. All surrendered, and were kindly furnished with nourishment. It is presumed that they will be sent to Richmond. It is also stated that a house in the vicinity of Fairfax Court House, which was suspected by our troops, was surrounded last Friday, and found to contain sixteen Yankee officers, who were not quite active enough in their movements last Sunday, and took refuge in this building. Th
eving he had gained a victory, despatched the news to Washington. Happily, at this critical juncture, Kershaw, Cash, and Kemper stemmed and turned the adverse tide, driving the frightened foe before their accurate fire and rapid charges. Both Beauregard and Johnston rallied their forces, and led them in person to the attack. Soon after, Elzey's and Smith's brigades, of about four thousand men, came up opportunely and reinforced our army. This reinforcement, with the heroic rally made by the as follows:-- The day was lost when our two regiments came up. Our troops were falling back, and had retired some distance. Col. Kershaw gave the command Forward, and, after some ten or twelve rounds, away went the Yankees. I understand Beauregard said our regiments saved the day --a second battle of Waterloo. No regiment ever entered a battle under more depressing circumstances than we did. All along our line of march men were retreating, and saying to us we are defeated. But we we
An English officer asserts that he met one of Gen. Johnston's aids in New York on Sunday, and that he personally knew him to be such. The rebel spy — for he was nothing else — told the Englishman that Messrs. Davis, Beauregard, Lee and Co. consider their victory at Bull Run as a defeat, in comparison with what they expected and ought to have made it. They had their lines so skilfully arranged as to draw us within and beyond their flanks — to catch us in the most deadly kind of trap, attackd position, when all their plan was defeated by the mistaken enthusiasm of Col. Kirby Smith. That officer brought on the railroad reinforcements from Winchester, and, instead of going straight to the Junction, as had been positively ordered by Beauregard, he stopped the cars near the battle-field, formed his men in solid squares, and marched superbly to the ground. This was the reserve which our tired forces saw coming against them, and before which they retreated in time to escape the snare l<
enemy, and his preparations of sufficient transportation shall enable him to make an invasion of the Carolina and Georgia coast. It is well known now that Gen. Beauregard's forces at Manassas, previous to Johnston's arrival, were comparatively small; and even after Johnston came, the combined army could not have exceeded forty thousand effective men. Since the battle, we have good reason to believe that Beauregard and Johnston have under their command much more than a hundred thousand men — enough for all practical purposes. It is not the want of men that has prevented an advance, but the lack of means of transportation, and the lack of food, coupled with sickness. Beauregard has been almost wholly without means of transportation for his vast army, and proper food in sufficient quantity, as we have reason to believe. And men who fought the great fight on the 21st, and came out of it without so much as a scratch, were in no condition to do military duty for several days. With
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), An English officer on the battle of Manassas plains. (search)
as the admiration of friend and foe. Formed in part of Irish, and the rest the flower of Southern chivalry, the battalion covered itself with glory. Emotions of no ordinary character thrilled through my breast as I found myself struggling on this terrible field of carnage, and advocating a righteous cause, surrounded as I was by so many of my own gallant island countrymen. You will be glad to hear that I escaped the terrible ordeal of shot and shell, and was honored with the thanks of Gen. Beauregard for some slight service which I performed on the field. Poor Wheat seemed the genius of the fight — conspicuous by his great size and soldier-like mien, his flashing eye and glittering blade — he was seen everywhere in the hottest part of the struggle. Poor fellow! He was desperately wounded, but is now recovering. The loss of the enemy was 8,000 men, 57 pieces of cannon, and about 25,000 stand of arms. Believe me, very faithfully yours, Late Major in the army of Italy, R. You
Gallantry of Bartow.--Bartow's gallantry upon the field was most conspicuous. When Beauregard pointed out to him a battery to be taken, he replied, I will take it, if mortal man can do it. He first led up the Eighth Georgia regiment and took the battery; but finding himself unable to hold it, he retired. Almost immediately afterwards he led up the Seventh Georgia regiment, in the performance of which duty he was shot. The only words he uttered were: Boys, they have killed me; but never gd up the Eighth Georgia regiment and took the battery; but finding himself unable to hold it, he retired. Almost immediately afterwards he led up the Seventh Georgia regiment, in the performance of which duty he was shot. The only words he uttered were: Boys, they have killed me; but never give up this field to the enemy. General Beauregard did not lead the Hampton legion into action, as has been stated. He led a large body of troops in which the legion was included.--Charleston Mercury.
onet; but on the contrary, they displayed a lively solicitude for their comfort. This kindness was especially conspicuous in the artillery and cavalry officers. Capt. Ball, who, whilst a prisoner at Washington, had been guarded by a detachment of the Seventy-first, was assiduous in his hospitable attentions. He and his men (who were not in the fight as has been reported) sent milk, eggs, and brandy. A farmer in the neighborhood, named Rickett, was very kind. He and his wife sent the national wounded soup, gruel, and a young lamb. They feel especially grateful to Capts. White and Patrick, and Col. Barker. The latter said to them, Take good care of yourselves, boys, and sec that your wounded have what they require. Gen. Beauregard rode up to the hospital, and gave particular orders that the enemy's wounded should be well attended. I am happy to record the manly evidence of these gentlemen. No dying man's throat was cut, they say — no dead man robbed.--Baltimore Exchange.