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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, I. The Army of the Potomac in history. (search)
Bull Run and Cedar Run; the Rappahannock, swelled by the converging tides of the Rapidan and Hedgman rivers; the Mattapony, which results from the confluence of four streams, named the Mat, the Ta, the Po, and the Ny; the Pamunkey, formed by the union of the North and South Anna; and the Chickahominy, which has its embouchure in the James. The Confederates found eligible lines of defence along these rivers, which they used to great advantage, from the time when, at the opening of the war, Beauregard formed his array along Bull Run, to when, almost four years thereafter, Lee disputed with Grant the passage of the Chickahominy, and compelled the Union commander to seek a new base south of the James. The mountain system of Virginia is thrown off on the western flank of the theatre of operations, where the Blue Ridge forms, with that parallel ridge called successively the Clinch, Middle, and Shenandoah mountains, the picturesque and fertile Valley of the Shenandoah. This valley, from
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
y reputation in the South. This man was General Beauregard, and the region of country under his conhe Shenandoah. The former highway connected Beauregard with the forces on the Peninsula and at Riched by General Scott that, if Johnston joined Beauregard, he should have Patterson on his heels. Fto wit, preventing Johnston from reenforcing Beauregard, was to adopt the former course—namely, to ar of General McDowell's move was revealed to Beauregard by an affair which the silly ambition of a dcamp. General Johnston in person had joined Beauregard during the night of the 20th (his troops, holl the Confederate forces. Nevertheless, as Beauregard knew his ground, the plans he had formed werlater, other dispositions had to be made. Beauregard: Report of the Battle of Manassas. Beaurs' brigade of Tyler's division on the left. Beauregard reformed his forces on the plateau beyond. r side. General Jordan, chief of staff to Beauregard, informs me that while conducting President [25 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
of Gillmore's force from South Carolina left Beauregard free to hurry forward with a considerable ary in the vicinity, but that night the van of Beauregard's army, drawn from Charleston, Savannah, andry and artillery fire along the whole line. Beauregard had taken advantage of the fog, and had beguthan one hundred and fifty colored cavalry. Beauregard's dispositions to attack were well suited toion was very far from filling the measure of Beauregard's expectations. The right of Smith's linele this flanking operation was in execution, Beauregard assailed energetically the front of Smith's on force was inexpugnable by a front attack, Beauregard set on foot a repetition of his turning movey the main line of retreat by the turnpike. Beauregard's instructions to him to attack were entirelthe pressure on Smith, but would have taken Beauregard's line in reverse. When Smith's corps was wd, and the Union loss nearly four thousand. Beauregard followed up leisurely, and threw up a defens
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 13 (search)
heir fatal folly and goaded by the clamors of an alarmed and frenzied people, sought a measure of amelioration for the shattered fortunes of the Confederacy by the reappointment of General Johnston to the command of the forces opposing Sherman. But it was already too late. Johnston did all he could; and all he did was judicious: but he could only stay for a time a result seen to be inevitable. Withdrawing the garrisons of the seaboard cities, and uniting thereto the corps lately under Beauregard and the remnants of Hood's army, which with much address he succeeded in bringing to a junction with the troops confronting Sherman, he prepared to oppose such a resistance as was possible to the onward march of his formidable antagonist. Johnston had on paper a numerous army; but, in effect, it was not, all told, above twenty thousand strong; while the troops were in such condition of morale as may be imagined of men who had already been driven through two States into the forests of Nort
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
ampaign, 462; difficulties of the campaign, 463; Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, attempts to capture, 464; Bermuda Hundred, Butler forms intrenched line, 464; Beauregard's operations at Bermuda Hundred, 465; Gillmore, General, at Bermuda Hundred, 465; battle of Drury's Bluff 465; losses of both armies at Ber muda Hundred, 468; Br ignorance on nature of the war, 40; the battle of, in 1861, 40; McDowell's plan of operations against, 44; Johnston's evacuation of Winchester, and union with Beauregard, 46; McDowell's army moved from the Potomac towards, 46; McDowell's plan of attack, 48; Beauregard's lines of defence, 50; commencement of the battle, 51; the aBeauregard's lines of defence, 50; commencement of the battle, 51; the action of Stone Bridge, 52; peril of Confederate left flank, 53; retreat of the Union army, 56; losses on both sides, 57; causes of the Union defeat, 58; followed by popular uprising, 60; evacuated by Johnston, 89. Manassas No. 2, Jackson's retreat from, 181; the second battle of, 182; Pope's position at, 181; useless attacks on