Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Beauregard or search for Beauregard in all documents.

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Butler, on Bermuda Hundred, the rebel line was extremely strong, and like that north of the James, was intended to be held with a comparatively small force, until in an emergency reinforcements could arrive; but south and east of Petersburg, Lee kept his main army, and here he relied for defence on men rather than works, though here also the fortifications were elaborate and formidable. When the national forces crossed the James, in June, and Smith advanced against Petersburg, although Beauregard came up in time to save the town, the defences on the south and east were captured. Breastworks were thrown up in the night, in rear of the former position, and these were held until Lee's army arrived; but the original works were never regained. For about a mile and a half the new rebel line followed a ridge a quarter of a mile outside the town, and was made exceedingly strong. At intervals of two or three hundred yards, or more, according to the nature of the ground, were batteries, t
If it is found that the enemy under Hood or Beauregard have actually attempted an invasion of Tenne will be lost. By my movement I have thrown Beauregard to the west, and Thomas will have ample time stores for the invasion of Tennessee; while Beauregard, who had been placed in general command at tould be the destruction of that army, and if Beauregard moves his infantry and artillery up into ther success. . . I am more than satisfied that Beauregard has not the nerve to attack fortifications, id, on the same day: You could safely invite Beauregard across the Tennessee, and prevent his ever ras replied on the 12th: I have no fears that Beauregard can do me any harm now, and if he attempts to act against the communications of Hood and Beauregard. Two expeditions were accordingly organized an advance, as Sherman has directed, should Beauregard follow him. He was ready, not indeed to assssured, I will do all in my power to destroy Beauregard's army, but I desire to be prepared before m
correct, as originally designed by General Hood.—Beauregard's Endorsement on Hood's Report, January 9, 1865. Sherman marched out of Atlanta, and the same day Beauregard telegraphed the news to Richmond: Sherman is abouilty, and attaches much blame to himself.—Hood to Beauregard, December 11. No reason, however, is given by s to withstand the advance of Sherman. Bragg and Beauregard were summoned, the one from the East, the other f if it was practicable to take the place.—Hood to Beauregard, January 9, 1865. On the morning of the 4th I ved by Hood, but approved by Jefferson Davis and Beauregard. The design avowedly was, either to force Shermahis army. His men never fought so well again. Beauregard censured Hood for his course at the beginning of g reinforced constantly by river and railroad. Beauregard's Endorsement on Hood's Report, January 9, 1865. Thomas to Sherman, on the 12th of November, that Beauregard can do us any harm now, and if he attempts to fol<
m, and must fall back to Macon, where reinforcements should be sent at once. Beauregard, on the same day, telegraphed from Tuscumbia: I would advise all available fo form junction and march upon Augusta. General Cobb concurs. Both Cobb and Beauregard, however, greatly underrated Sherman's force, neither estimating it higher thd barges, of course no reinforcements can be sent from Augusta. On the 30th, Beauregard's command was extended from the Mississippi to the sea-coast, and the governo east and west of Georgia. No report from General Hood since the 20th ult.—Beauregard to Richmond, December 13. He had consumed the corn and fodder, as well as theleast for a while, the advance of the national army. On the 6th of December, Beauregard reported to Jefferson Davis that he had counted upon a force of thirty thousato defend the state of Georgia, and ensure the destruction of Sherman's army. Beauregard to Davis, December 6, 1864. and with this number, the difficulties that could
flames fall of Charleston Sherman pursues Beauregard as far as Winnsboro turns eastward arrivesrant Hardee crosses Sherman's front to join Beauregard Sherman starts for Goldsboro Johnston supersedes Beauregard battle of Averysboro retreat of rebels battle of Bentonsville attack by Johnste. All through December, dispatches between Beauregard and his government crossed each other, annoue his bitterest enemies. He quarrelled with Beauregard and Bragg and Johnston by turns, and was jeachief said to Halleck: I now understand that Beauregard has gone west to gather up what he can save d in escaping from Grant, and, reinforced by Beauregard's command, strike Sherman inland, between Coch is calculated to cause apprehension. General Beauregard does not say what he proposes or what her the situation is lost. On the same day, Beauregard telegraphed direct to Jefferson Davis, from my, was now expected to make a junction with Beauregard. At Wiinnsboro, however, Sherman turned his[8 more...]
r position united in these acclamations. Amid them all he preserved the same quiet demeanor, the same simplicity of speech, the same unobtrusive modesty for which he had hitherto been known; and, while he accepted and appreciated the plaudits of the nation, he made haste to escape from the parade and the celebration to the society of his intimates or the retirement of his home. When the war was over, Grant had fought and beaten every important rebel soldier in turn: Buckner at Donelson, Beauregard at Shiloh, Pemberton and Johnston at Vicksburg, Bragg at Chattanooga, Lee in Virginia, and all of them altogether in the last year of the rebellion. From Belmont, the initial battle of his career, he had never been driven from the field, and had never receded a step in any of his campaigns, except at Holly Springs, and then the rebels were in retreat before him, and Grant, unable to follow fast enough to overtake them, withdrew, only to advance on another line. He went on steadily from t
y of War. General Halleck to Secretary Stanton. Richmond, Virginia, April 26, 9.30 P. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Generals Meade, Sheridan, and Wright are acting under orders to pay no regard to any truce or orders of General Sherman respecting hostilities, on the ground that Sherman's agreement could bind his command only, and no other. They are directed to push forward, regardless of orders from any one, except from General Grant, and cut off Johnston's retreat. Beauregard has telegraphed to Danville that a new arrangement has been made with Sherman, and that the advance of the Sixth corps was to be suspended until further orders. I have telegraphed back to obey no orders of Sherman, but to push forward as rapidly as possible. The bankers here have information to-day that Jeff Davis's specie is moving south from Goldsboroa, in wagons, as fast as possible. I suggest that orders be telegraphed, through General Thomas, that Wilson obey no orders from
n command of department of the Ohio, i., 34; ordered to reinforce Grant, 34; slow movements of, 68; at Shiloh, 82, 86, 88, 89; at Corinth, 105; dispatched after Beauregard, 105; opposes Bragg in Tennessee, 110; outmanoeuvred by Bragg, 431; is relieved, 431; refuses a command, II., 2; dismissed from volunteer army, 52. Burksvillpersedes Banks, II., 204; ordered to move against Mobile, 346; ordered to send troops to Pascagoula, III., 41; ordered to act against communications of Hood and Beauregard, 175; ordered to destroy factories at Montgomery and Selma, 367; movements on the Mississippi, 388; ordered into Alabama, 390; slowness and disregard of orders,ttle of New Hope church, 536; at Kenesaw mountain, 537; crosses the Chattahoochee, 538 superseded by Hood, 539; recalled from retirement, III., 356; supersedes Beauregard in front of Sherman, 398; plan to unite forces with Lee, 420; at Bentonsville, 429; retreat through Raleigh, 27; first interview with Sherman, 628; final interv