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Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 3,199 167 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 2,953 73 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 564 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 550 26 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 448 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 436 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 390 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 325 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 291 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 239 3 Browse Search
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ited Anderson at Fort Sumter, a plan had been agreed upon between them for revictualling the garrison ( Civil War in America, authorized translation, vol. 1., p. 137). Fox himself says, in his published letter, I made no arrangements with Major Anderson for supplying the fort, nor did I inform him of my plan; and Major Anderson, in the letter above, says the idea had been merely hinted at by Captain Fox, and that Colonel Lamon had led him to believe that it had been abandoned. When General Beauregard discovered that Major Anderson was endeavoring to strengthen, in place of evacuating, Fort Sumter, the Commissioners wrote an interrogatory note to discover the facts, and were assured by Mr. Seward that the Government had not receded from his promise. On April 7th, Mr. Seward sent the message, Faith as to Sumter fully kept; wait and see. On that day the Federal fleet with a large force sailed for Sumter, and the Commissioners left Washington, hopeless of accomplishing anything.
Chapter 8: the bombardment of Sumter On March 3d, President Davis appointed General Beauregard to the command of all the Confederate forces in and around Charleston. On arriving there, GenerGeneral Beauregard, after examining the fortifications, proceeded to erect formidable batteries of cannon and mortars bearing on the fort. On April 7th, Lieutenant Talbot, an agent of the Federal Gover men, including the troops sent for reinforcement of the garrison. Upon the receipt of General Beauregard's telegram, that provisions would be sent to Fort Sumter, forcibly if need be, he was dire honor and of obligation to his government would not permit him to accede to the demand of General Beauregard. Next day at 4.30 A. M. the signal was given from Fort Johnston; the fire was graduallessant toil and excitement had utterly exhausted the garrison. When the flag went down General Beauregard sent offers of assistance, as the conflagration was apparently on the increase. Before
he valley of the Shenandoah; another under General G. T. Beauregard, at Manassas, covering the direct approachch from the seaboard. The armies of Johnston and Beauregard, though separated by the Blue Ridge, had such praggest as soon to be made, it seems to me that General Beauregard might, with great expedition, furnish five oreral McDowell, advanced to attack the army of General Beauregard at Manassas, and a few hours before they tookTo General J. E. Johnston, Winchester, Va. General Beauregard is attacked. To strike the enemy a decisive Unless he prevents it, we shall move toward General Beauregard to-day. Joseph E. Johnston. After Johnston moved to join Beauregard, he telegraphed an inquiry to Mr. Davis, regarding his relative rank to BeauregarBeauregard, and the following answer was returned: Richmond, July 20, 1861. General J. E. Johnston, Manassas, Va. Y know how to make the exact knowledge of Brigadier-General Beauregard, as well of the ground as of the troops
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 10: engagement at Bull Run, and battle of Manassas. (search)
nt regiments, batteries, and brigades of General Beauregard's army. The line extended a distance ofgular batteries of the United States. General Beauregard, in his official report of the engagemenOrleans. General Johnston arrived at General Beauregard's headquarters on July 20th. While on the march, Beauregard sent him a suggestion to march by Aldie and attack the rear of the Federal righrecalled to my remembrance the design of General Beauregard to make the Rappahannock his second linetle lost. I asked for Generals Johnston and Beauregard ; he said they were on the field when he lefll, and the Adjutant-General, Jordan, of General Beauregard's staff, who courteously agreed to furni the west. Several of the volunteers on General Beauregard's staff joined me, and a command of cavao the army headquarters. I had not seen General Beauregard on the field, and did not find him at hiplies sent. At a later hour, when I met General Beauregard and informed him of what had occurred, h[1 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 11: conferences after the battle of Manassas. (search)
r. Davis thus continued the narrative: At a late hour of the night, I had a conference with Generals Johnston and Beauregard; the Adjutant-General of the latter, Colonel Jordan, was present, and sat opposite to me at the table. When, after mber the words very nearly, and am quite sure that I do remember them substantially. On March 25, 1878, I wrote to General Beauregard as follows: Dear Sir: Permit me to ask you to recall the conference held between General Johnston, yourself, ar, please give me your recollection of its substance. Yours respectfully, Jefferson Davis. To this letter General Beauregard courteously replied that his order-book was in New York, in the hands of a friend, to whom he would write for a copneral Jordan, for his recollection of the order, if it had not been inscribed in the order-book. On April 29th, General Beauregard forwarded to me the answer to his inquiries in my behalf, as follows: New York, 63 Broadway, April 18, 1878. m
that act and that of May 16, 1861, the rank would stand thus: J. E. Johnston, S. Cooper, A. S. Johnston, R. E. Lee, G. T. Beauregard. In a letter from the President, in answer to one of mine regretting that General Johnston should feel annoyed, anston, to rank May 30, 1861. Robert E. Lee, to rank June 14, 1861. J. E. Johnston, to rank July 4, 1861. G. T. Beauregard, to rank July 2r, 1861. Braxton Bragg, to rank April 12, 1862. To explain even more fully the position takene, Lieutenant-Colonel of Cavalry, senior to J. E. Johnston in the line before the latter's appointment above mentioned; Beauregard, Major of Engineers. General Beauregard, who about this time was transferred to the Army of the West, commanded by General Beauregard, who about this time was transferred to the Army of the West, commanded by Albert Sidney Johnston, was also known to have grievances. Indiscreet persons at Richmond, claiming the privilege and discharging the duty of friendship, gave tongue to loud and frequent plaints, and increased the confusion of the hour. In a le
Chapter 16: Beauregard's letter. The victory at Manassas was followed by a period of inactivitesponsibility of a possible failure. General Beauregard was also named in some quarters as the ned. The widely published synopsis of General Beauregard's report of the battle of Manassas, wheer 4th, the day after the publication of General Beauregard's letter, written within hearing of the invited to refer to the introduction of General Beauregard's report of the battle of Manassas, that him. I have not seen the report of General Beauregard of the battle of Manassas, and am unable I think three or four, the reports from General Beauregard showed so clearly the enemy's purpose, tforce to march at once to the support of General Beauregard, and directed General Holmes, with such ut this time a controversy arose between General Beauregard and the Secretary of War, Mr. Benjamin, llows: Richmond, Va., October 25, 1861. General Beauregard, Manassas, Va. my dear General: Your [12 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 19: effort to effect exchange of prisoners-evacuation of Manassas-visit to Fredericksburg. (search)
e distance of ten miles. And I do proclaim the suspension of all civil jurisdiction with the exception of the Mayor of the city, and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus within the said city and surrounding country to the distance aforesaid. In faith whereof I have hereunto signed my name and set my seal, at the city of Richmond, on the first day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. (Seal.) Jefferson Davis. On February 2d General Beauregard took leave of the Army of the Potomac, having been transferred to the army in West Tennessee, commanded by Albert Sidney Johnston. The Federal forces then organizing in front of Washington, under General George B. McClellan, and estimated to number one hundred thousand men, gave indication of active operations. General Johnston, in a personal interview in Richmond, gave notice that he considered his position as unsafe, and a withdrawal of the army from Centreville was necessary b
een was begun and ended on the 13th, and General Beauregard left for Columbus, Ky. On the 16th F sincere prayer of your friend, . General Beauregard left Nashville on February 14th, to takef General Bragg. The Commanderin-Chief, General Beauregard, Generals Polk, Bragg, and Breckinridge,hnston, the command having devolved upon General Beauregard, the conflict was continued until sunseteneral Bragg's orders, when I met one of General Beauregard's staff, who inquired for General Bragg.this officer, who said to General Bragg, General Beauregard orders you to cease fighting and to restl Johnston, and that he was hastening to General Beauregard to announce to him the sad news, and thato nothing when I say that I did not see General Beauregard on the field until after the fall of Joh. I have nothing to say of the blunders of Beauregard after the death of Johnston, for they are sugram was received by General Bragg, General Beauregard had transferred the command of the army to h[19 more...]
nxieties were greatly increased by the evacuation of the Peninsula, and the consequent losses that he saw no speedy means to repair. He thought it could have been held, and yet had much faith in General Johnston's military opinions, and more in his patriotism. Our supplies of every useful implement were beginning to require replenishing. We had lost large numbers of entrenching tools on the retreat, and many heavy guns, including some recently received and not yet mounted. General Beauregard appealed for bells to be melted into cannon, March 20, 1862. These bells were contributed, and captured by the enemy in New Orleans, and sold in Boston at Lombard's North Wharf, East Boston, and averaged thirty cents a pound; the sum for which they were sold amounted to over $30,000. Thus resulted the sacrifice so gladly made by individuals in the Confederacy. In this year the Church and the world sustained a great loss in the death of Bishop Meade. He had been General Lee's prec