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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
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-day, and after five days of marching we encamped at this place. We have had two grand reviews of five brigades of cavalry, about twelve thousand in number, under General Stuart. The first took place on Saturday, when we were inspected by Stuart; and I have just now returned from the second, when we were inspected by Lieutenant-General Robert E. Lee in person. He was a fine-looking man, but very gray-haired. We are now in a battery numbering about sixteen pieces, under the command of Major Beckham. Longstreet's division passed us on Saturday. The Wise artillery was along. You can look out for some small fighting before a week. We are now about two miles from the Rappahannock, at Beverly Ford. I expect, from the preparations that is being made, that we are going to make a grand raid toward the Potomac as soon as the valley is cleared. . . . You must excuse the shortness of this letter, as I have just returned from the review, and I feel tired from riding so much. Direct yo
y fell back rapidly, contesting every hill, and only giving way when in danger of being outflanked. The Thirteenth Virginia cavalry, supported by squadrons of the Ninth, was now thrown forward to the left of the railroad in Botts's (formerly J. A. Beckham's) woods. The Fifteenth Virginia cavalry was thrown forward to the right of the railroad in same woods. Six regiments of the enemy were now deployed in a field near Brandy, with two batteries of artillery. The infantry of the enemy were maen a battery of the enemy and one of Colonel Carter's battalion of artillery, in which our loss was three killed and ten or fifteen wounded. Our fire is believed to have been very destructive to the enemy. At Rapidan bridge, about four o'clock, Beckham's horse artillery opened upon the enemy, doing good execution on their squadrons, which were carefully massed behind the declivity of a hill. Toward night, Major Flournoy, with the Sixth Virginia cavalry, was ordered to make a demonstration on