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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first step in the War. (search)
ism of fire. During subsequent attacks by land and water, it was battered by the heaviest Union artillery. Its walls were completely crushed, but the tons of iron projectiles imbedded in its ruins added strength to the inaccessible mass that surrounded it and made it impregnable. It was never taken, but the operations of General Sherman, after his march to the sea, compelled its evacuation, and the Stars and Stripes were again raised over it, April 14th, 1865. Under an order from Secretary Stanton, the same flag that was lowered, April 14th, 1861, was raised again over Sumter, by Major (then General) Anderson, on April 14th, 1865, the day President Lincoln was shot. Of Major Anderson's former officers, Generals Abner Doubleday and Norman J. Hall and Chaplain Matthias Harris were present. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher delivered an oration, and other prominent antislavery men attended the ceremony.-editors. View of Cumming's Point. From a sketch made after the bombardment.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 12: the negro as a soldier. (search)
g, Too much goat shout wid de sheep. But he who objected to this profane admixture used to get our mess-funds far more hopelessly mixed with his own, when he went out to buy us chickens. And I remember that, on being asked by our Major, in that semi-Ethiopian dialect into which we sometimes slid, How much wife you got, Jim? the veteran replied, with a sort of penitence for lost opportunities, On'y but four, Sah! Another man of somewhat similar quality went among us by the name of Henry Ward Beecher, from a remarkable resemblance in face and figure to that sturdy divine. I always felt a sort of admiration for this worthy, because of the thoroughness with which he outwitted me, and the sublime impudence in which he culminated. He got a series of passes from me, every week or two, to go and see his wife on a neighboring plantation, and finally, when this resource seemed exhausted, he came boldly for one more pass, that he might go and be married. We used to quote him a good de
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
Index. Adams, C. F., Hon., 25. Aiken, William, Gov., 170. Allston, Adam, Corp., 93. Andrew, J. A., Gov, 3, 71, 224, 225, 289. Bates, Edward, Hon., 290. Beach, H. A., Lt., 271, 272. Bearregard, W. T., Gen., 22, 57. Beecher, II. W., Rev., 256. Bell, Louis, Col., 236. Bennett, W. T., Gen., 265, 269. Bezzard, James, 83. Bigelow, L. F., Lt., 2. Billings, L., Lt.-Col., 269. Bingham, J. M., Lt., 176, 270. Brannan, J. M., Gen., 98. Brisbane, W. H., 40. Bronson, William, Sergt., 273. Brown, A. B., Lt., 272. Brown, John, 4, 22, 41, 60. Brown, John (colored), 274. Brown, York, 275. Bryant, J. E., Capt., 230, 231. Budd, Lt., 68. Burnside, A. E., Gen., 33,34. Butler, B. F., Gen., 1. Calhoun, J. C., Capt., 151, Chamberlin, G. B., Lt., 185, 270. Chamberlin, Mrs., 242. Cheever, G. B., Rev., 293. Child, A., Lt. 271, 272. Clark, Capt., 70, 76, 92. Clifton, Capt., 90, 91. Clinton, J. B., Lt., 170. Corwin, B. R., Maj., 115, 122. Crandall, W. B., Surg., 269. C
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xlii. (search)
e church, which he reached considerably behind time. Every seat was occupied; but the gentlemanly usher at once surrendered his own, and, stepping back, became much interested in watching the effect of the sermon upon the western orator. As Mr. Beecher developed his line of argument, Mr. Lincoln's body swayed forward, his lips parted, and he seemed at length entirely unconscious of his surroundings,--frequently giving vent to his satisfaction, at a well-put point or illustration, with a kindtion, at a well-put point or illustration, with a kind of involuntary Indian exclamation,--ugh!--not audible beyond his immediate presence, but very expressive! Mr. Lincoln henceforward had a profound admiration for the talents of the famous pastor of Plymouth Church. He once remarked to the Rev. Henry M. Field, of New York, in my presence, that he thought there was not upon record, in ancient or modern biography, so productive a mind, as had been exhibited in the career of Henry Ward Beecher!
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxiv. (search)
to any position, with no such word as fail; a martyr to Right, ready to give up life in the cause; a politician too cunning to be outwitted; and so on. These things have all to be tried, and their sometime failure creates confusion as well as disappointment. There is no more dangerous or expensive analysis than that which consists of trying a man. Do you think all men are tried? was asked. Scarcely, said Mr. Lincoln, or so many would not fit their place so badly. Your friend, Mr. Beecher, being an eloquent man, explains this well in his quaint illustration of people out of their sphere,--the clerical faces he has met with in gay, rollicking life, and the natural wits and good brains that have by a freak dropped into ascetic robes. Some men seem able to do what they wish in any position, being equal to them all, said some one. Versatility, replied the President, is an injurious possession, since it never can be greatness. It misleads you in your calculations from
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxv. (search)
t by the hand. Mr. Lincoln surveyed him from head to foot, and giving him a cordial grasp, replied: You are a rare man. During the brief period that the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher was editor-in-chief of the Independent, in the second year of the war, he felt called upon to pass some severe strictures upon the course of the adminishe President under one envelop. One rainy Sunday he took them from his drawer, and read them through to the very last word. One or two of the articles were in Mr. Beecher's strongest style, and criticized the President in no measured terms. As Mr. Lincoln finished reading them, his face flushed up with indignation. Dashing the or, he exclaimed, Is thy servant a dog, that he should do this thing? The excitement, however, soon passed off, leaving no trace behind of ill — will toward Mr. Beecher; and the impression made upon his mind by the criticism was lasting and excellent in its effects. Mr. Lincoln's popularity with the soldiers and the people
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
., George, 284-286. Assassination, 63. B. Baker, G. E., 127. Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245. Baltimore Convention, 162. Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254. Bateman, Newton, 192. Bates, Attorney-General, 55. Battle, Fair Oaks, 139. Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230. Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274. Bible Presentation, 199. Bingham, Hon. John A., 234. Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88. Booth, Edwin, 49. Bowen, H. C., 221. Brady, M. B., 46. Braine, Lieutenant, 94. Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 18; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont, 220; reappointment of Fremont, 222; California lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232; last inaugural, 234; his election to the legislature in 1834, 234; never invented a story, 235; first political speech, 236; contest with Dougl
his dejection. Greeley's letters. Herndon's mission to the Eastern states. interviews with Seward, Douglas, Greeley, Beecher, and others. the letter from Boston. the Springfield convention. Lincoln nominated Senator. the house-divided againseaving Washington, my next point was New York, where I met the editor of the Anti-Slavery Standard, Horace Greeley, Henry Ward Beecher, and others. I had, a long talk with Greeley, whom I noticed leaned toward Douglas. I found, however, he was not ew how, but while I drew but little from him, I left feeling that he hadn't been entirely won over. He introduced me to Beecher, who, as everybody else did, inquired after Lincoln and through me sent him words of encouragement and praise. Lincolaging news to relate. I told Lincoln of the favorable mention I had heard of him by Phillips, Sumner, Seward, Garrison, Beecher, and Greeley. I brought with me additional sermons and lectures by Theodore Parker, who was warm in his commendation of
war and the dawn of peace. stricken down by the assassin, John Wilkes Booth. details of the cruel deed. the President's death. the funeral at the White House. conveying the remains of the dead chieftain to Springfield. the tribute of Henry Ward Beecher. the funeral at Springfield. the capture and death of Booth. the arrest, trial, and execution of his fellow conspirators. The outlines of Mr. Lincoln's Presidential career are alone sufficient to fill a volume, and his history after hhe wilderness. From the height of patriotic vision he beheld the golden fields of the future waving in peace and plenty. He beheld, and blessed God, but was not to enter in. In a discourse delivered on Lincoln on the 23d of that month, Henry Ward Beecher said: And now the martyr is moving in triumphal march, mightier than when alive. The nation rises up at every stage of his coming. Cities and states are his pall-bearers, and the cannon speaks the hours with solemn progression. De
ed, swollen horses lay among the tombs, where the sudden shot or shell had stricken them down. Batteries still frowned from the crest; away to the front the rebel line (a strong rearguard only now) could still be distinctly seen. Howard, Carl Schurz, Steinwehr, and two or three others of lesser rank, were watching the movements through their glasses, and discussing the probabilities. There was a rush of letters to be mailed and telegraph messages to be sent. Among the number came Henry Ward Beecher's son, a bluff, hearty-looking youth. He had a despatch to Mrs. Stowe he wanted me to send, announcing that her son, too, was among the wounded, and would soon be sent home to her. On an old grave, that a shell had rudely torn, while a round shot had battered down the iron railing about it, were still blooming the flowers affection's hand had planted in more peaceful times — not a petal shaken off by all this tempest that had swept and whirled and torn about them. Human blood wate