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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for H. M. Bell or search for H. M. Bell in all documents.

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To the editors of the Richmond Dispatch: --Having "seen some service" as soldiers — and particularly in the matter of traveling from place to place — and knowing some of the difficulties which attend the soldier in a strange place, as to the means of finding quarters. we deem it a duty to our "brothers in arms." who may come to Staunton hereafter, to suggest, that upon their arrival in Staunton they should promptly report themselves to the Quartermaster. H. M. Bell, Esq., a gentleman of courteous manners, who will at once assign them to comfortable quarters. We take occasion to say, that upon arriving at Staunton, we were assigned to the house of Chas. H. Saupe, Esq., where we were properly cared for and amply provided for by Mr. Saupe and his family; and those who may be assigned to his house will find Mr. Saupe to be the "soldiers' friend." B. T. Arnett, 1st Reg. Ga. Vols., M. V. Worley, 1st Reg. Ga. Vols., John H. Lile, Serg't 14th Reg't. N. C. Vols. H.