Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for J. P. Benjamin or search for J. P. Benjamin in all documents.

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Our troops gave way, not in confusion, but in steady line, delivering their fire as they fell back, step by step, to the shelter of the batteries. Quick as lightning our guns now belched forth from the summits of the hills above. Shell and shrapnel, canister and case, whichever came readiest to hand in the ammunition-chests, were hurled at the serried ranks of the rebels. Our gunners could distinctly see the swathes which their missiles cut in those regiments advancing in solid mass. Benjamin, Roemer, Buckley, Gettings, Henshaw, all had full play upon the foe with their pet guns. As might be expected, the rebels gave way under this severe fire, but in admirable order, and, falling back again to the cover of the timber, which, in addition, was beyond ordinary range, made their disposition for the renewal of the attack. Heretofore they had fought without artillery. They now brought three batteries into position, and opened from the tops of the knolls, while the infantry deplo
was burned, by order of General Burnside, to-day, and a section of Benjamin's battery was captured, making the third we have lost in the last ten days, namely, Laws's, Phillips's, and Benjamin's. The two armies are seventeen miles from Knoxville, Burnside slowly falling back. If he casional shot from the twenty-pounders in our front, replied to by Benjamin's battery, sums up the battle news. The enemy's shell seldom burster became butchery, as if on a wager of death against mortality. Benjamin's guns on the salient swept the ditch, as the tornado would the cog, and shrieks of the wounded, arose above the din of the cannon. Benjamin lighted shell, and threw them over the parapet, and artillerymen fhundred of our force participated in the defence of Fort Sanders. Benjamin, of the Third United States artillery, and Buckley, of the First R person, to take up position under cover, and support a section of Benjamin's battery. I had a good opportunity for doing so, in a defile, be
ca, do issue this, my proclamation, calling upon the people of the said States, in conformity with the desire expressed by their representatives, to set apart Friday, the eighth day of April, as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer; and I do hereby invite them on that day to repair to their several places of public worship, and beseech Almighty God to preside over our public counsels, and so inspire our armies and leaders with wisdom, courage, and perseverance, and so to manifest himself in the greatness of his goodness and in the majesty of his power, that we may secure the blessings of an honorable peace and of free government, and that we, as a people, may ascribe all to the honor and glory of his name. Given under my hand and the seal of the confederate [L. S.] States of America, at the city of Richmond, on this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Jefferson Davis. By the President: J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State.