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The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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of Cambridge wore a violet velvet train trimmed with ermine Petticoat of violet satin, trimmed with black lace, covered with a tunic of Honiton lace, a tiaras of pearls and diamonds; necklace and stomacher to match. The Princess Helena wore a train of white silk, with bouquets of the rose, shamrock, and thistle, tied with silver cord, manufactured by Lewis and Allenby, trimmed with tulle and bouquets of lilac, white and lilac Petticoat of white tulle over white lace, striped with ribbons of rose, shamrock, and thistle, bouquet of lilac. Head dress, wreath of lilac, white feathers, and blonds lappets; diamond ornaments. Princess Louise and Princess Bestrice, dress of white tulle over white Glace, striped with ribbons of rose, shamrock, and thistle, tied with silver cord; trimmed with bouquets of lilac. Head dress, wreaths of lilacs, (white and lilac;) pearl ornaments. Her Imperial Highness the Duchess of Besant wore a train of blue moire antique embroidered with gold.