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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12.. You can also browse the collection for Betty or search for Betty in all documents.
Your search returned 16 results in 1 document section:
Marm Betty.
A beloved teacher in ancient Medford.
The recent dedication of Medford's newest orian Brooks said: Our town rejoiced in a Marm Betty ; but of her, nothing more, which seems to hav been a singular omission.
The story of Marm Betty harks back to the ancient mansion across the M in Charlestown; and to colonial days.
Marm Betty's name was Elizabeth Francis.
She was the eld n the maternal side, that the interest in Marm Betty's memory attaches.
Her mother, Elizabeth Ushe and helpless.
Mrs. Samuel Swan, one of Marm Betty's scholars, who was placed in her charge when itically of Mr. Brooks' slight mention of Marm Betty.
He was over a dozen years younger than his acob bless you; our God will take care of you, Betty, you will never want bread for your kindness t asting for several years before 1823.
Marm Betty must have filled a worthy place in Medford's ame the Royall House.
Who knows but that Marm Betty may have had a soldier lover, that never retur
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