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and by the instance of our respected fellow-citizen, Dr. Jacob Bigelow, on which occasion were present with himself Messrs. mmediate parties. The next movement was in 1830, when Dr. Bigelow, having obtained from George W. Brimmer, Esq., the offerheld on the twenty-third of November, by invitation of Messrs. Bigelow and John C. Gray, to discuss the plan of a Cemetery tonow appointed, consisting of Messrs. H. A. S. Dearborn, Jacob Bigelow, Edward Everett, G. Bond, J. C. Gray, Abbott Lawrence, er, H. A. S. Dearborn, Charles Lowell, Samuel Appleton, Jacob Bigelow, Edward Everett, George W. Brimmer, George Bond, A. H. ry Committee : Messrs. Joseph Story, H. A. S. Dearborn, Jacob Bigelow, E. Everett, G. W. Brimmer, George Bond, Charles Wells,forms the chief entrance to the grounds, was designed by Dr. Bigelow. The first choice of lots was offered for sale, by aue authority of the same, That Joseph Story, John Davis, Jacob Bigelow, Isaac Parker, George Bond, and Charles P. Curtis, toge
Appendix II: list of original subscribers. Samuel Appleton, Nathan Appleton, Abel Adams, James T. Austin, Zabdiel B. Adams, Benjamin Adams, Charles Frederic Adams, William Austin, Jesse Bird, Joshua Blake, George W. Brimmer, Silas Bullard, Charles Barnard, Ebenezer Bailey, Joseph P. Bradlee, Joseph Baker, Jonas B. Brown, John Brown, Charles Brown, Plymouth, Ma. Levi Brigham, George Bond, Jacob Bigelow, Charles Brown, Benjamin Bussey, Dennis Brigham, John Bryant, James Boyd, Joseph T. Buckingham, Edwin Buckingham, Zebedee Cook, Jr. George W. Coffin, Charles P. Curtis, Thomas B. Curtis, Alpheus Cary, Josiah Coolidge, Elizabeth Craigie, Elijah Cobb, George G. Channing, Samuel F. Coolidge, Joseph Coolidge, James Davis, Warren Dutton, Richard C. Derby, James A. Dickson, John Davis, Daniel Denny, H. A. S. Dearborn, George Darracott, David Eckley, Alexander H. Everett, Henry H. Fuller, Robert Farley, Benjamin Fiske, Samuel P. P. Fa
Appendix V: Officers of the corporation. Joseph Story, President. George Bond, Treasurer, Office 9 Kilby Street. B. R. Curtis, Secretary, Office 16 Court Street. Trustees. Samuel T. Armstrong, Jacob Bigelow, George Bond, Martin Brimmer, Charles P. Curtis, Benjamin R. Curtis, Benjamin A. Gould, Isaac Parker, James Read, Joseph Story. Committee on lots. George Bond, Jacob Bigelow, Charles P. Curtis. Superintendent, James W. Russell. Terms of subscrJacob Bigelow, Charles P. Curtis. Superintendent, James W. Russell. Terms of subscription. The price of a lot of 300 superficial feet is Eighty Dollars, and in proportion for a larger lot. Selections may be made on the following terms, and the person who first reports his selection to the Secretary, is entitled to a preference, to wit: 1. From any lots numbered 1 to 350 inclusive and unsold, (a choice from these having been offered by auction) at par. 2. From the remaining lots laid out and unsold, on payment of Ten Dollars. 3. From any other part of the Cemet
walk up Central Avenue, and passing a monument which bears the name of Stillman Lothrop, we come to a handsome white marble column on the left, inscribed thus: To Hannah Adams, Historian of the Jews, and Reviewer of the Christian Sects, this is erected by her Female Friends. First tenant of Mount Auburn, she died Dec. 15th, 1831, aged 76. On Beech Avenue will be seen a monument erected by S. F. Coolidge, with the inscription, The gift of God is eternal life. On the same Avenue is Dr. J. Bigelow's,--a round unfinished column of marble, with a festoon of olive leaves hung about it near the top; and farther onward two granite obelisks, with the names of Stone, and Stephens. This brings us to Cedar Avenue, where we find the name of Melzar Dunbar on one stone, and that of Lienow on another,--the latter an unfinished column, like Dr. Bigelow's. Stillman Lothrop. Peacefully shaded by this oak, sleeps Eliza Ann Lothrop, who died Dec. 7th, 1835, in the 19th year of her age.