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uier, seconded the nomination of Mr. Turner. Mr. Leare, of Goochland, nominated S. Bassett French, of Chesterfield. Mr. MacFARLANDarland, of Richmond, advocated the election of Mr. Eubank. Mr. Montague, of Middlesex, nominated John Bell Bigger, of the city of Richmond. Mr. Wickham, of Henrico, nominated R. Landsay Walker, of New Kent. Mr. Fordes, of Buckingham, advocated the election of Mr. Eubank. the Secretary then proceeded to call the roll, and the result of the vote was announced as follows: Stephen C. Whittle6 S. Bassett French8 John Bell Bigger9 R. L. Walker11 Green Peyton11 John L. Eubank16 S. T. Walker19 Zephaniah T. Turner28 There being no election, the Convention again proceeded to vote, and the result having been announced, it appeared there was no choice. A gentleman then moved that upon the next ballot the candidate having a plurality of the votes be declared elected Clerk of the Convention. Negatived by a large ma