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Thursday, and after crossing commenced a movement of his forces up the river, attempting a flank movement of the position of Gen. Lee. At 10 o'clock on Friday morning they were met about two miles distant from the ford by Gen. Edward Johnson's division, of Gen. Ewell's corps, consisting of the first and second brigades, commanded by Gens. Walker and Jones, and Gen. Geo. H. Stuart's brigade. The battle was immediately joined between the opposing forces, the Federal forces consisting of Birney's and French's corps, of Meade's army. For several hours the infantry fighting is said to have been terribly severe, and the field contested by the enemy with much more than usual stubbornness. A while before night, however, the enemy began to give ground, and at dark they had yielded some two miles of the field, which brought them to entrenchments which they had thrown up the night previous. The ground on which the battle commenced is represented by some of the wounded as being a lar
in Spotsylvania county, some eighteen miles below Orange C. H., and some twenty-two miles above Fredericksburg, and about twelve miles above the Chancellorsville battle-ground. The Louisiana brigade, under Gen. Hufford, first became engaged, and afterwards the whole division of Gen. E. Johnson, consisting of the Stonewall brigade, under Gen. Walker, Gen. G. H. Stuart's brigade, and Gen. J. M. Jones's brigade, took part in the battle. The force of the enemy engaged consisted of French's and Birney's corps. Skirmishing began about ten o'clock in the morning, and was kept up quite briskly until about three in the evening, when the whole line of this division became engaged, and from this time until night there was quite a severe and brisk fight.--During the fight we drove the enemy, who were the attacking party, back full a mile, capturing a few prisoners. The fight was altogether an infantry affair. Little or no artillery was brought into action on our side — we could get but two pi