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The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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y, 1861, in which the question of sending reinforcements to Fort Sumter was amply discussed both by yourself and others. The decided majority of opinions was against you.--At this moment the answer of the South Carolina "Commissioners" to my communication to them of 31st December was received and read. It produced much indignation among the members of the Cabinet. After a further brief conversation I employed the following language: "It is now all over, and reinforcements must be sent" Judge Black said, at the moment of my decision, that after this letter the Cabinet would be unanimous, and I heard no dissenting voice. Indeed, the spirit and tone of the letter left no doubt on my mind that Fort Sumter would be immediately attacked, and hence the necessity of sending reinforcements there without delay. Whilst you admit "that on Wednesday, January 2d, this subject was again discussed in Cabinet," you say, "but certainly no conclusion was reached, and the War Department was not
Post-Office Affairs. --Virginia Offices Discontinued--Hubbard, Kent co.; Barbeetown, Hardy co.; Fisher's Point, Jackson county. Virginia Appointments--John J. Martin post-master at Hoodville, Marton county, vice Henry C. Black, moved away. Samuel Life post-master at Axton, Pittsylvania county, vice David F. Hodges, resigned. O. N. Retty post-master at Wirt C. H., Wirt county, vice Chas. B. Roberts, resigned. Clivins S. Chisholm postmaster at Hanover C. H., Hanover county, vice P. H. Winston, resigned. Eleanah Wilson postmaster at Indian Creek, Monroe county, vice P. P. Peck, resigned, Edward E. Jefferson postmaster at Roseland, Nelson county, vice Wm. N. Fortune, resigned.