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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ve Committee are not to be considered as endorsing, and the Society is not to be held responsible for everything which we publish. Indeed, we may sometimes publish what we differ from, on the principle that if errors endorsed by responsible names creep into our archives, they had better be published now, while men competent to correct them are living, than to turn up in future years when probably no one will be able to refute them. Our next (March) number. The recent attempt of Mr. Blaine to fire the Northern heart, by reviving the stories of Rebel barbarity to prisoners of war, and the eagerness with which the Radical press of the North caught up the old charge, and are still echoing it through the land, have made us feel that the time has come when this question of the treatment of prisoners during the late war should be fully ventilated, and our Confederate Government and people put right on the record concerning it. We shall, therefore, devote the next number of our pap
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
pointment. The leader of the Radical party (Mr. Blaine) has recently in his place in the United Sta, in which he ably refuted the assertions of Mr. Blaine, has been denounced by the Radical press as ent letter of ex-President Davis in reply to Mr. Blaine's charges: New Orleans, January 27, 18ulous falsehood by partisans of the class of Mr. Blaine, that, though I cannot say it has become to the circumstances of the case the fallacy of Mr. Blaine's statements. The published fact of an atte Wirz, for his life, would not make, but which Blaine, for the Presidential nomination, has made? he indictment found against me, but in which Mr. Blaine's fictions do not appear. The indictment waausible pretext for the reckless diatribe of Mr. Blaine. The papers preserved by Dr. Stevenson habrought against Mr. Davis, and reiterated by Mr. Blaine in his speech, we think he must be held alto from such antagonists and critics of his as Mr. Blaine. Having produced the testimony of reliab[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
on the skirts of their then rulers; and neither Mr. Garfield nor Mr. Blaine can change the record. I never heard that there was any particy were presented by Honorable B. H. Hill in his masterly reply to Mr. Blaine. Mr. Hill said: Now, will the gentleman believe testimony froime to prepare his rejoinder, and all of the authorities at hand, Mr. Blaine did not dare to deny them. He fully admitted their truth, and on the gentleman states. The substance of this extract is that Mr. Blaine does not deny the greater mortality of our prisoners in Northern w, if this explanation were true it would contain a fatal stab to Mr. Blaine's whole argument to prove Confederate cruelty to prisoners. If ote the tender nursing and kind, watchful care which (according to Mr. Blaine). they received at the hands of their captors, how could a Govern Rock Island, Camp Douglas, Camp Chase, &c., quite so pleasant as Mr. Blaine's rose-colored picture of Northern prisons would make it appear.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
s point from the writings alluded to, but we will only give an extract from the speech of Hon. James G. Blaine, uttered deliberately on the floor of the United States House of Representatives eleven yThousands of them say it--thousands of them; men of as high character as any in this House. Mr. Blaine. I take issue upon that. There is not one who can substantiate it — not one. As for measuresefore, is not Rebel testimony, but that of a Union soldier, and a truly loyal Republican, whom Mr. Blaine cannot dismiss with the cry of traitor. Testimony of a Federal soldier. Pioche, Februace to the treatment received by Confederates in Northern prisons. We think we have fairly met Mr. Blaine's issue, and that we have shown by incontrovertible testimony that Confederate prisoners were 24th January, 1876, publishes the following-letter from Judge Shea, which was called forth by Mr. Blaine's accusations on the floor of the House of Representatives. The Tribune introduces the letter