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Browsing named entities in Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler. You can also browse the collection for James G. Blaine or search for James G. Blaine in all documents.

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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 20: Congressman and Governor. (search)
n that question and the currency in reply to Mr. Blaine of Maine. There were a majority of bondholdtly called upon by the gentleman from Maine [Mr. Blaine] to reply in some small degree as I may to hgrounds upon which the gentleman from Maine [Mr. Blaine] insists that the five-twenties are not payands as the government chose to give them. Mr. Blaine. Will the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. d one sentence? I answered, Certainly. Mr. Blaine. The decision in regard to the payment of th without the dictum of my friend from Maine [Mr. Blaine]. I did not say that Salmon P. Chase was notlly, but we must be bound by the statute. Mr. Blaine. Does the gentleman mean to say that the gov gentleman will go there he will find it. Mr. Blaine. Authorized by whom? I answered: Authorizhe advertisement to present to the House. Mr. Blaine. I gave the gentleman notice some days ago tt. on long twenty-year government bonds, and Mr. Blaine says I am to be paid in gold for them; that [1 more...]
am, Hon. John A., of Ohio, reference, 927. Birney, General, joins Hancock in expedition against Deep Bottom, 717-718; Butler's order to regarding demonstration against Richmond, 722-730; ill, 730; moves in obedience to orders, 730; colored troops under carry Newmarket Heights, 731-733; attacks Fort Gilmour, 737; sends guard to Butler, 738; Birney's Corps, reference, 858. black, Jeremiah S., opinion regarding Charleston Secession Convention, 151, 155; Counsel for Milligan, 1008. Blaine, Jas. G., reply to Butler's speech on finance, 931-954. Blair, Montgomery, visit to, 287. Blake, Commodore, at Naval Academy, 192-193. Blockade runners, facts in regard to, 965-966. Boggs, Capt., Chas., at Forts Jackson and St. Philip, 367. Bonnegras, Mons., at Baton Rouge, 475. Booth, John Wilkes, Johnson suspected of being in league with, 930; calls on Mr. Johnson, 930; confession of fellow-conspirators with, 931. Boot, Kirk, founder of Lowell, 52; opposition to school, 53