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Your search returned 35 results in 18 document sections:

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Abbott, Lyman, 1835- (search)
ng so, among the nations of the world; when we ought to form clearly to ourselves our national purpose, and seek such affiliations as will promote that purpose. It is for this reason that, though I am, on principle and after much consideration, a bimetallist, I believe that the nation did wisely in rejecting the free coinage of silver, and is doing wisely in attempting to conform its currency to the currency of the other commercial nations of the globe. It is for this reason that I think Mr. Blaine proved himself statesmanlike in his organization of a Pan-American Congress, although its immediate results appear to have been comparatively insignificant. It is for this reason I think the nation should foster by appropriate measures every attempt to unite the New World with the Old, whether by cable, for the transmission of intelligence, or by commercial lines for the transmission of the products of our industry and our mails. It is for this reason I think we ought to seize the opport
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea. (search)
ian intruders secured 20,000 skins. As very many of the seals thus taken were females, and their young were left to perish for want of sustenance, the actual number destroyed was far in excess of the number of skins, and the extinction of the entire species was threatened. At this juncture a United States revenue-cutter captured one of the poaching vessels. The seizure became at once the subject of correspondence between the British government and the State Department at Washington. Secretary Blaine urged that illicit sealing was a pursuit contra bonos mores, against international comity; and he argued against the claim of Lord Salisbury, who had asserted that Bering Sea could not be mare clausum under any circumstances. The British premier declined to recognize the claims of the United States, although he expressed regret at the wanton destruction of a valuable industry, and asked that the right of the United States to seize the Canadian vessels be submitted to a court of arbitr
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea arbitration. (search)
t of the seizures unsettled, the executive government of the United States passed into the hands of President Harrison, Mr. Blaine, on assuming the duties of Secretary of State, sought to carry into effect the proposition of his predecessor for an in defend the action of the )previous administration and thereupon followed the notable diplomatic correspondence between Mr. Blaine and Lord Salisbury, in which the former sought with all his recognized forensic skill to defend the action of the Secre, defence of the seizures — was not advanced in the legal proceedings of 1887, and was not mooted until a late stage of Mr. Blaine's controversy with Lord Salisbury. The chief credit for the development of this point is due to Mr. Tracy, Secretary onited States than the regulations which Mr. Bayard proposed to Lord Salisbury as a settlement of the question, or which Mr. Blaine offered to Sir Julian Pauncefote. If, therefore, we obtained more from the tribunal than our government proposed to ac
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clayton-Bulwer treaty, the (search)
Balize, and President Buchanan, in his next message, declared that all disputes under the Clayton-Bulwer treaty had been satisfactorily adjusted. This treaty then was accepted as settled and binding on both parties until November, 1881, when Mr. Blaine wrote to Mr. Lowell, the American minister to Great Britain, urging the abrogation of the treaty on the ground that it was formed thirty years before under circumstances that no longer existed; that the development of the Pacific coast had enortes in the canal, and that the well-being of this country demanded a modification of the treaty. To this letter Lord Granville made reply in January, stating Great Britain's reasons for regarding the treaty as still in force; but as meanwhile Mr. Blaine had left the State Department there was no further diplomatic discussion on the subject until the publication of a proposed treaty with Nicaragua. This treaty was in direct violation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, for its object was to provide
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fergusson, Arthur W. (search)
Fergusson, Arthur W. Translator; born about 1855; has been for many years connected with the State Department in Washington, D. C.; accompanied the members of the Pan-American Congress on their trip through the United States during Secretary Blaine's tenure of office; was chief translator of the bureau of the American republics; Spanish interpreter for the American peace commissioners in Paris in 1898; appointed Spanish secretary to the Philippine commission in 1900; and secretary to the chief civil executive (Governor Taft) of the Philippines, July 10, 1901.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore 1817-1885 (search)
Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore 1817-1885 Statesman; born in Millstone, N. J., Aug. 4, 1817; grandson of the preceding; graduated at Rutgers College in 1836; became an eminent lawyer, and was attorney-general of New Jersey, 1861-66. He was chosen United States Senator in 1868, and was re-elected for a full term in 1871. He was a prominent member of the Republican party. In July, 1870, President Grant appointed him minister to England, but he declined the position. On Dec. 12, 1881, he entered the cabinet of President Arthur as Secretary of State, on the resignation of Secretary Blaine, and served to the end of that administration, March 4, 1885. He died in Newark, N. J., May 20, 1885.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Half-breeds, (search)
Half-breeds, The name applied by the Stalwarts under Conkling to those Republicans who opposed the third nomination of Grant, the course of President Hayes in reconciling the South, and who favored the policy of Blaine.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McKinley, William 1843- (search)
Pacific cable cannot be longer postponed. In the furtherance of these objects of national interest and concern you are performing an important part. This exposition would have touched the heart of that American statesman whose mind was ever alert and thought ever constant for a larger commerce and a truer fraternity of the republics of the New World. His broad American spirit is felt and manifested here. He needs no identification to an assemblage of Americans anywhere, for the name of Blaine is inseparately associated with the Pan-American movement which finds this practical and substantial expression, and which we all hope will be firmly advanced by the Pan-American Congress that assembles this autumn in the capital of Mexico. The good work will go on. It cannot be stopped. These buildings will disappear; this creation of art and beauty and industry will perish from sight, but their influence will remain to Make it live beyond its too short living With praises and thanks
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morrill, Justin Smith 1810- (search)
, instead of being a tonic to spur idle capital once more into activity, it would be its bane, destructive of all vitality; and that as a permanent silver standard it would not only be void of all stability, and the dearest in its introduction and maintenance, but that it would reduce wages to the full extent of the difference there might be between its purchasing power and that of gold. Free-trade or protection. In 1890 Senator Morrill made the following contribution to the Gladstone-Blaine controversy concerning free-trade and protection: Any extended argument of the Right Honorable W. E. Gladstone must always afford ample evidence of great ability, as well as wealth of learning, and it would have been presumption on my part to reply to his argument in support of free-trade, if it were not that protection was the easy side of the question. It was a further encouragement when I found, upon examining in detail Mr. Gladstone's free-trade argumentation, that I could sincerel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mugwumps, (search)
Mugwumps, A term of reproach applied to those Republicans who in the summer of 1884 bolted the nomination of Blaine for President, and supported Cleveland. Their objections to the Republican candidate were founded partly on his conduct of foreign affairs when Secretary of State, and partly on the charges made against his character. The Mugwumps were especially numerous in New England and New York, and in the latter State they contributed signally to the Democratic victory. Afterwards many of them continued to act with the Democracy, or with the Cleveland Democracy ; others returned to the Republicans. The term soon became applied to all independent voters.