Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Blankinship or search for William Blankinship in all documents.

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g continued to the regular term on account of the absence of an important witness. Hustings Court, Monday, Nov. 3d. --Present: Hon Wm. H. Lyons, Judge, William Blankinship was set to the bar for trial for the murder of Geo. Crow, in Sidney, about seven mouths ago, Wm W. Crump. Esq, appeared as counsel for the prisoner. The cin went to Blankinship's house, where some of them had been in the habit of going and doing as they pleased. While there they took some liberties, not only with Blankinship's householed furniture, but made observations on his daughter deemed highly offensive by him. He ordered them out of his house. A portion of them left, among whom was Crow. The latter, irritated at the occurrences in the house, threw one or more missiles into the house, when Blankinship appeared at the door with an old musket, commanded him not to do so any more, and on the offence being repeated discharged his musket, with fatal effect, Crow dying shortly thereafter. The trial had not