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Browsing named entities in Emil Schalk, A. O., The Art of War written expressly for and dedicated to the U.S. Volunteer Army.. You can also browse the collection for Joseph Bonaparte or search for Joseph Bonaparte in all documents.
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Emil Schalk, A. O., The Art of War written expressly for and dedicated to the U.S. Volunteer Army., Example of a battle of the offensive defense: battle of Talavera , July 28 , 1809 . (search)
Example of a battle of the offensive defense: battle of Talavera, July 28, 1809.
The battle of Talavera, fought by the French against the allied English and Spaniards, offers a very fine example of a defensive battle with offensive return in its own lines.
The French army numbered 45,000 men, commanded by King Joseph Bonaparte.
The allied army amounted to almost 20,000 English, and 35,000 Spaniards, commanded by Wellington.
The Spanish position, forming the right wing of the allies, is covered by two redoubts, and the access to it is rendered so difficult that the French army does not even try an attack, but sends simply a body of dragoons to reconnoiter and observe this spot.
The center, composed of four English brigades, is placed between the redoubt on the Spanish left wing and a hill lying in the same front as the two redoubts.
The left wing is formed by the regiments defending the hill, by a body of Spanish cavalry under Bassancourt, and by a part of the English cavalr