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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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preparation for defense, made a detour around Sheridan, and by a forced march got in front of him, taking position at a place called Yellow Tavern, about seven or eight miles from Richmond. Here, with the daring and singleness of purpose which characterized his whole career, he decided, notwithstanding the great inequality between his force and that of his foe, to make a stand, and offer persistent resistance to his advance. The respective strength of the two commands, as given by Colonel Heros von Borke, chief of General Stuart's staff, was, Stuart, eleven hundred; Sheridan, eight thousand. While engaged in this desperate service, General Stuart sent couriers to Richmond to give notice of the approach of the enemy, so that the defenses might be manned. Notwithstanding the great disparity of force, the contest was obstinate and protracted, and fickle fortune cheered our men with several brilliant successes. Stuart, who in many traits resembled the renowned Murat, like him was a
f, 14. Benjamin, Judah P., 516, 589. Extract of letter to J. E. Johnston concerning Fort Donelson, 32-33. Bennet, General, 626-27. Benton (gunboat), 203. Bentonville, N. C., Battle of, 540. Berwick's Bay, Battle of, 350-51. Bethel Church, Battle of, 14. Big Black, Battle of, 343-44, 346. Bill of Rights, 620. Blair, Major, 350-51. Francis P., 522. Attempt to negotiate peace, 517-21. Blockade (U. S.) of Confederate ports, 314, 316-17, 321-22. Boone, Daniel, 356. Borke, Col. Heros von, 427. Boston (ship), 237. Boswell, Captain, 303. Boteler, Alexander R., 447. Boutwell, George S., 420. Bowen, Gen. John S., 37, 333, 334-35, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343. Death, 349. Bowling Green, Ky., evacuation, 30. Boyle, Father F. E., 419. Letter to Davis concerning Major Wirz, 419-20. Bradford, Governor of Maryland, 393. Address to legislature concerning military interference with elections, 393-94. Bragg, Gen., Braxton, 33, 35, 36, 40, 43, 4
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General John Rogers Cooke. (search)
ents yielded. Officers and privates alike idolized him, and Cooke's Brigade was constantly assigned for duty demanding unusual hazard. At Fredericksburg he supported the heroic Thomas R. R. Cobb, holding the famous stone wall, or what the Federals called the sunken road, at the foot of Marye's Heights. During the war General Cooke was seven times severely wounded. On Marye's Heights he was struck in the forehead, just over the left eye, by a bullet which made what the chivalrous Heros Von Borke admiringly classed the most beautiful wound I ever saw. Ere that wound had healed, and when but a gossamer line intervened, seemingly, between him and the portals of death, he arose from his bed and returned to his command. At Spotsylvania Courthouse, at a time when our centre was sorely pressed, General Gordon suggested to General Lee that a certain movement be made on the right to relieve the centre. This move was advised against by other officers, but General Lee finally gave the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
o a fence corner, as he had come to Maryland to fight Yankees, and not to carry his father's overcoat. The Brandy Station fight. At Brandy Station the 9th of June, 1863, did Colonel Young recapture Stuart's headquarters and check the triumphant advance of Pleasanton, who had driven back all our cavalry until they met the Cobb Legion. I do not claim that this was the turning point of the day. (P. M. B. Young's Report, Records of War of the Rebellion, Vol. XXII, p. 732.) As Major Heros Von Borke, the celebrated Prussian officer on General Stuart's staff, said to General Stuart in my presence: Young's regiment made the grandest charge I see on either continent, and Brandy Station is considered the greatest cavalry battle of the war. Wounded again while attempting to lead two regiments of infantry in the charge, which had been sent to reinforce him, he being in command of Hampton's brigade, August 1, 1863, (but although one of the color-bearers rushed out waving his flag fo